
Аватарка Gills97

United States of America

We're all Wiki Editors now

Hello, I'm Gills. Nice to meet you! I am a member of GRASP, Gamepedia's Anti-Spam team. I help take care of vandalism and help make sure Gamepedia and it's wikis stay clean and safe for all viewers, while also ensuring information is correct and up-to-date.

I also am a trivia specialist and general janitor for the Overwatch wiki, and admin of the Fire Emblem wiki.

  • He/him

Check out my Overwatch user page and my Fire Emblem user page for my mock profiles for each wiki respectively! (desktop view only)

Feel free to comment under my profile if you want. I'm a social type! :)

Main Contributions

Subject Contributions
Wikis Overwatch: Top 6 editor
Fire Emblem: Lead Admin
Other Wikis: Anti-Spam Patrol
Articles Adding Character quotes
Writing backstory info and bios for character pages
Trivia Adding Trivia to character, quote, and easter egg wikis
Other Removing vandalism.
Fixing typos and correcting grammar
Updating out-dated information

Shout-Outs to awesome editors


Game widow




  • Overwatch: PS4 version
  • Fire Emblem: Awakening, Blazing Sword, Sacred Stones, Fates, Heroes, Echoes
  • Gamepedia Contributor since 1/5/17
  • GRASP member since 7/17/17

Links for me

GRASP Wiki list

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В данной статье используются материалы из статьи «UserProfile:Gills97» с вики-сайта Minecraft Wiki, расположенного на Фэндоме, и они распространяются согласно лицензии Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0. Авторы статьи.