
Аватарка Gregatron6000


Oregon, United States

I use this Wiki for a lot of my information about my favorite game, Minecraft, so it feels awesome to be able to edit and fact-check this Wiki. I like the redstone side of Minecraft because I like inventing things and abusing bugs and glitches. I like making tutorial pages because they often cover topics that have not already been covered in other pages. I do most of my editing and viewing on an iPhone 6 SE, which has a fairly small screen. As a result, I despise people who put pictures right next to complex things like tables and large blueprints. I'm still learning my way through the rather confusing world of templates. :-)

If you ask me a question or something like that, I will (most of the time) get back to you within 6 hours.

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В данной статье используются материалы из статьи «UserProfile:Gregatron6000» с вики-сайта Minecraft Wiki, расположенного на Фэндоме, и они распространяются согласно лицензии Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0. Авторы статьи.