
( function() { 'use strict'; /** "Global" vars (preserved between editing sessions) **/ var i18n = { blockedNotice: 'Вы не можете редактировать этот спрайт, так как вы заблокированы.', blockedReason: 'Причина: $1', browserActionNotSupported: 'Не поддерживается вашим браузером.', changesSavedNotice: 'Ваши изменения сохранены.', controlNewName: 'Новое название', ctxDeleteImage: 'Удалить изображение', ctxDownloadImage: 'Скачать изображение', ctxReplaceImage: 'Заменить изображение', diffError: 'Не удалось получить разницу версий', diffErrorMissingPage: 'Не удалось получить страницу', dupeName: 'Это название уже существует.', dupeNamesNotice: 'В спрайте есть названия-дубликаты, которые нужно исправить, прежде чем записать изменения.', errorApi: 'Ошибка API', errorConnection: 'Ошибка связи', errorConnectionText: 'Проверьте подключение к Интернету', errorGeneric: 'Ошибка', errorHttp: 'Ошибка HTTP', genericError: 'Что-то пошло не так', luaKeyDeprecated: 'устарел', luaKeyId: 'ID', luaKeyIds: 'IDы', luaKeyName: 'назв', luaKeyPos: 'поз', luaKeySection: 'раздел', luaKeySections: 'разделы', luaKeySettings: 'настройки', luaKeySettingsHeight: 'высота', luaKeySettingsPos: 'поз', luaKeySettingsSize: 'разм', luaKeySettingsSpacing: 'spacing', luaKeySettingsUrl: 'url', luaKeySettingsWidth: 'ширина', namePlaceholder: 'Введите название', noPermissionNotice: 'Ваши права доступа не позволяют редактировать этот спрайт.', panelChangesIdTitle: 'Изменения данных', panelChangesNoDiffFromCur: 'Относительно текущей версии изменений нет.', panelChangesSheetTitle: 'Изменения таблицы спрайтов', panelChangesTitle: 'Проверьте свои изменения', panelCloseTip: 'Закрыть', panelConflictCurText: 'Текущий текст', panelConflictReview: 'Проверьте изменения', panelConflictSave: 'Сохранить', panelConflictText: 'Произошёл конфликт редактирования, который не удалось разрешить автоматически.', panelConflictTitle: 'Конфликт редактирования', panelConflictYourText: 'Ваш текст', panelDiscardContinue: 'Продолжить редактирование', panelDiscardDiscard: 'Закрыть без изменений', panelDiscardText: 'Вы уверены, что не хотите сохранить свои изменения?', panelDiscardTitle: 'Несохранённые изменения', panelEcchangesReturn: 'Вернуться к разрешению конфликта редактирования', panelEcchangesTitle: 'Проверьте свои собственноручные изменения', sectionPlaceholder: 'Введите название раздела', sectionUncategorized: 'Некатегоризованные', titleEditing: 'Редактирование спрайта $1', toolbarHelp: 'Справка', toolbarHelpPage: 'Справка:Редактор спрайтов', toolbarNewImage: 'Новое изображение', toolbarNewSection: 'Новый раздел', toolbarRedo: 'Вернуть', toolbarReviewChanges: 'Проверить изменения', toolbarSave: 'Сохранить', toolbarSummaryLabelTip: 'Осталось байт', toolbarSummaryPlaceholder: 'Вкратце опишите ваши изменения', toolbarToolDeprecate: 'Депрекация', toolbarToolDeprecateTip: 'Отметить названия как устаревшие', toolbarTools: 'Инструменты', toolbarUndo: 'Отменить', }; var $root = $( document.documentElement ); var $win = $( window ); var $body = $( document.body ); var URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL; var imageEditingSupported = !!( window.FileList && window.ArrayBuffer && window.Blob && window.FormData && window.ProgressEvent && URL && URL.revokeObjectURL && URL.createObjectURL && document.createElement( 'canvas' ).getContext ); // HTML pointer-events is dumb and can't be tested for // Just check that we're not IE < 11, old Opera has too little usage to bother checking for var pointerEventsSupported = $.client.profile().name !== 'msie' || $.client.profile().versionBase > 10; var originalTitle = document.title; // Start loading OOUI's icons in the background mw.loader.load( [ 'oojs-ui.styles.icons-editing-core', 'oojs-ui.styles.icons-editing-styling', 'oojs-ui.styles.icons-media', 'oojs-ui.styles.icons-moderation', 'oojs-ui.styles.icons-interactions', 'oojs-ui.styles.icons-movement', 'oojs-ui.styles.icons-content', ] ); // Handle recreating the editor $( '#ca-spriteedit' ).find( 'a' ).click( function( e ) { // Editor is already loaded, reload the page if ( $root.hasClass( 'spriteedit-loaded' ) ) { return; } create(); e.preventDefault(); } ); $win.on( 'popstate', function() { if ( '[?&]spriteaction=edit' ) && !$root.hasClass( 'spriteedit-loaded' ) ) { create( 'history' ); } } ); /** Functions **/ /** * Entry point for the editor * * Updates the page if it has been edited since being viewed * and creates the editor once ready * Is called right at the end of the script, once all other functions * are defined. * * "state" is what triggered the creation (e.g. from history navigation) */ var create = function( state ) { var $doc = $( '#spritedoc' ); var preventClose; var settings = {}; var mouse = { moved: false, x: 0, y: 0 }; var sorting = false; var oldHtml; var spritesheet; var spriteSettings = JSON.parse( $doc.attr( 'data-settings' ) ); var dataPage = $ 'datapage' ); var changes = []; var undoneChanges = []; var usedNames = {}; var loadingImages = []; var panels = {}; var canTag = null; // Update the title to say we're editing document.title = i18n.titleEditing.replace( /\$1/g, originalTitle ); var revisionsApi = new mw.Api( { parameters: { action: 'query', prop: 'revisions', rvprop: 'content', formatversion: 2, } } ); var parseApi = new mw.Api( { parameters: { action: 'parse', prop: 'text', disabletoc: true, disablelimitreport: true, formatversion: 2, } } ); var $headingTemplate = $( '<h3>' ).html( $( '<span>' ) .addClass( 'mw-headline spriteedit-new' ) .attr( 'data-placeholder', i18n.sectionPlaceholder ) ); var $boxTemplate = $( '<li>' ).addClass( 'spritedoc-box spriteedit-new' ).append( $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'spritedoc-image' ), $( '<ul>' ).addClass( 'spritedoc-names' ).append( $( '<li>' ).addClass( 'spritedoc-name' ).html( '<code>' ) ) ); addControls( $headingTemplate, 'heading' ); addControls( $boxTemplate, 'box' ); // Pre-load modules which will be needed later var saveModules = mw.loader.using( [ 'mediawiki.widgets.visibleLengthLimit', 'mediawiki.diff.styles', ] ).fail( console.warn ); $root.addClass( 'spriteedit-loaded' ); if ( !state ) { history.pushState( {}, '', mw.util.getUrl( null, { spriteaction: 'edit' } ) ); } if ( state !== 'initial' ) { $( '#ca-view' ).add( '#ca-spriteedit' ).toggleClass( 'selected' ); } // Get some info about this wiki, the user's rights and // block status, and the last edit timestamp for the ids page var infoRequest = retryableRequest( function() { return revisionsApi.get( { rvprop: 'timestamp', titles: dataPage, meta: 'siteinfo|userinfo', uiprop: 'rights|blockinfo', } ); } ).done( function( data ) { fixTimestamp.offset = data.query.general.timeoffset; } ); // Check if the ids page has been edited since opening the // documentation page, and re-download it if necessary var contentRequest = infoRequest.then( function( data ) { var currentTimestamp = fixTimestamp( data.query.pages[0].revisions[0].timestamp ); if ( currentTimestamp > $ 'datatimestamp' ) ) { var newContent = retryableRequest( function() { return parseApi.get( { title: mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ), text: $( '<i>' ).html( $.parseHTML( $doc.attr( 'data-refreshtext' ) ) ).html() } ); } ).done( function( parseData ) { oldHtml = parseData.parse.text; $doc.replaceWith( oldHtml ); $doc = $( '#spritedoc' ); spriteSettings = JSON.parse( $doc.attr( 'data-settings' ) ); dataPage = $ 'datapage' ); } ); return newContent; } else { oldHtml = $doc[0].outerHTML; } } ); // Check if we have permission to edit the IDs page, spritesheet // file, and use tags, and that the user isn't blocked var permissionsRequest = $.when( infoRequest, contentRequest ).then( function( data ) { var info = data[0].query.userinfo; var canEdit = true; if ( info.blockid ) { canEdit = false; var $blockNotice = $( '<p>' ).text( i18n.blockedNotice ); var blockText; if ( info.blockreason ) { blockText = retryableRequest( function() { return parseApi.get( { summary: info.blockreason } ); } ).done( function( parseData ) { $blockNotice.append( '<br>', i18n.blockedReason.replace( /\$1/g, $( '<span>' ).addClass( 'comment' ).html( parseData.parse.parsedsummary ).html() ) ); } ); } $.when( blockText ).always( function() { mw.notify( $blockNotice, { type: 'error', autoHide: false } ); } ); } else { var rights = info.rights; $.each( [ 'data', 'sprite' ], function() { var requiredRights = $ this + 'protection' ).split( ',' ); $.each( requiredRights, function() { if ( rights.indexOf( this ) === -1 ) { canEdit = false; return false; } } ); return canEdit; } ); if ( !canEdit ) { mw.notify( i18n.noPermissionNotice, { type: 'error', autoHide: false } ); } /* User doesn't have the right to apply change tags */ if ( rights.indexOf( 'applychangetags' ) === -1 ) { canTag = false; } } if ( !canEdit ) { sheetRequest && sheetRequest.abort(); contentRequest.abort && contentRequest.abort(); destroy( true ); } } ); // Replace the spritesheet with a fresh uncached one to ensure // we don't save over it with an old version. var sheetRequest; if ( imageEditingSupported ) { sheetRequest = contentRequest.then( function() { var $sprite = $doc.find( '.sprite' ).first(); settings.imageWidth = spriteSettings[i18n.luaKeySettingsWidth] || spriteSettings[i18n.luaKeySettingsSize] || 16; settings.imageHeight = spriteSettings[i18n.luaKeySettingsHeight] || settings.imageWidth || 16; settings.spacing = spriteSettings[i18n.luaKeySettingsSpacing] || 0; settings.sheet = $ 'original-url' ); if ( !settings.sheet ) { // Get a capture of the whole URL, and of the URL minus the query string var urlParts = $sprite.css( 'background-image' ) .match( /^url\(["']?(([^?"]+)(?:\?[^"]+)?)["']?\)$/ ); $ 'original-url', urlParts[1] ); settings.sheet = urlParts[2] + '?version=' +; $ 'url', settings.sheet ); } // XHR is used instead of a CORS Image so a blob URL can // be used for the background image, rather than the real URL. // This works around the image being downloaded twice, probably // caused by the background image not reusing the CORS request. return retryableRequest( function() { var deferred = $.Deferred(); var requestTimeout; var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); 'GET', settings.sheet, true ); xhr.responseType = 'blob'; xhr.onload = function() { clearTimeout( requestTimeout ); if ( this.status !== 200 ) { deferred.reject( 'http', { textStatus: this.statusText ? this.status + ' ' + this.statusText : 'error' } ); return; } spritesheet = new Image(); spritesheet.onload = function() { settings.sheetWidth = this.width; settings.sheetHeight = this.height; overwriteSpritesheet( this.src ); deferred.resolve(); }; spritesheet.src = URL.createObjectURL( this.response ); }; requestTimeout = setTimeout( function() { xhr.abort(); deferred.reject( 'http', { textStatus: 'timeout' } ); }, 30 * 1000 ); xhr.onabort = xhr.onerror = function() { if ( deferred.state() === 'pending' ) { deferred.reject( 'http', { textStatus: 'error' } ); } }; xhr.send(); return deferred.promise( { abort: function() { deferred.reject( 'http', { textStatus: 'abort' } ); xhr.abort(); } } ); } ).fail( handleError ); } ); } $.when( contentRequest, permissionsRequest ).then( function() { // Make sure the editor wasn't destroyed while we were waiting if ( $root.hasClass( 'spriteedit-loaded' ) ) { enable(); } }, function( code, error ) { // Fatal error, bail sheetRequest && sheetRequest.abort(); infoRequest.abort(); contentRequest.abort && contentRequest.abort(); handleError( code, error ); destroy( true ); } ); // Handle closing the editor on navigation $win.on( 'popstate.spriteEdit', function() { if ( ! '[?&]spriteaction=edit' ) && $root.hasClass( 'spriteedit-loaded' ) ) { close( 'history' ); } } ); /** * Create the editor interface * * Makes the necessary HTML changes to the documentation, * creates the extra interface elements, and binds the events. */ var enable = function() { var $content = $doc.closest( '.documentation' ); var $toolbar; if ( !$content.length ) { $content = $( '#content' ); } $root.addClass( 'spriteedit-enabled' ); if ( imageEditingSupported ) { $root.addClass( 'spriteedit-imageeditingenabled' ); } $( '.mw-editsection' ).add( '.mw-editsection-like' ).css( 'display', 'none' ); // Store previous element and parent to re-attach to once done // and the current scroll position var $docPrev = $doc.prev(); var $docParent = $doc.parent(); var initialScroll = $win.scrollTop(); $doc.detach(); $doc.find( '#toc' ).remove(); $doc.append( $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'spriteedit-autoscroll spriteedit-autoscroll-up' ), $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'spriteedit-autoscroll spriteedit-autoscroll-down' ) ); var autoScroll = function( now ) { = ( now - autoScroll.timeLast ) / ( 1000 / 60 ); autoScroll.timeLast = now; if ( mouse.y !== autoScroll.lastMouseY ) { var areaRect = autoScroll.area.getBoundingClientRect(); if ( autoScroll.dir === -1 ) { autoScroll.speed = areaRect.bottom - mouse.y; } else { autoScroll.speed = mouse.y - + 1; } autoScroll.lastMouseY = mouse.y; } // Prevent overscroll var scrollTop = $win.scrollTop(); if ( autoScroll.dir === -1 && scrollTop > autoScroll.topLimit || autoScroll.dir === 1 && scrollTop + $win.height() < autoScroll.bottomLimit ) { scrollBy( 0, autoScroll.dir * Math.round( autoScroll.speed / 2 ) * Math.round( ) ); } = requestAnimationFrame( autoScroll ); }; autoScroll.start = function( area ) { if ( ) { autoScroll.stop(); } var scrollTop = $win.scrollTop(); autoScroll.area = area; autoScroll.dir = $( area ).hasClass( 'spriteedit-autoscroll-up' ) ? -1 : 1; autoScroll.speed = 1; autoScroll.timeLast = window.performance ? :; autoScroll.topLimit = scrollTop + $doc[0].getBoundingClientRect().top; autoScroll.bottomLimit = scrollTop + $doc.find( '.spritedoc-section' ).last()[0].getBoundingClientRect().bottom + 50; = requestAnimationFrame( autoScroll ); }; autoScroll.stop = function() { cancelAnimationFrame( ); = 0; }; $doc.find( '.spriteedit-autoscroll' ) .on( 'mouseenter.spriteEdit dragenter.spriteEdit', function() { autoScroll.start( this ); } ) .on( 'mouseleave.spriteEdit dragleave.spriteEdit', autoScroll.stop ); addControls( $doc.find( 'h3' ), 'heading' ); var $boxes = $doc.find( '.spritedoc-box' ); $boxes.each( function() { var $this = $( this ); var $names = $this.find( '.spritedoc-name' ); $this.attr( 'data-sort-key', $names.first().text() ); $names.find( 'code' ).each( function() { var $code = $( this ); usedNames[$code.text()] = [ $code ]; } ); } ); addControls( $boxes, 'box' ); // Collapses and expands boxes in each section when sorting // sections or boxes, so it's easier to get to the right section var collapseBoxes = function( placeholder ) { var $this = $( this ); var isBox = $this.hasClass( 'spritedoc-box' ); var section = isBox ? $this.closest( '.spritedoc-section' )[0] : placeholder; var origPos = this.getBoundingClientRect(); var origSectionPos = section.getBoundingClientRect(); var heights = []; $doc.find( '.spritedoc-boxes' ).each( function() { var child = this.firstElementChild; if ( child ) { if ( $( child ).hasClass( 'spriteedit-ghost' ) ) { child = child.nextElementSibling || child; } heights.push( child.getBoundingClientRect().height ); } else { heights.push( 0 ); } } ).each( function( i ) { // Set styling after get loop to avoid layout thrashing var height = heights[i]; if ( !height ) { return; } $( this ).css( { height: height, overflow: 'hidden', } ); } ); // First make sure the section is in the same place relative to the window scroll( 0, $win.scrollTop() + section.getBoundingClientRect().top - ); // Now if we're sorting boxes, make sure the box remains inside the section if ( isBox ) { var sectionPos = section.getBoundingClientRect(); if ( origPos.bottom > sectionPos.bottom ) { scroll( 0, $win.scrollTop() + sectionPos.bottom - origPos.bottom ); } } }; var expandBoxes = function() { var origPos = this.getBoundingClientRect(); $doc.find( '.spritedoc-boxes' ).css( { height: 'auto', overflow: 'visible', } ); // If we're sorting boxes, scroll so the box is near the cursor var $this = $( this ); if ( $this.hasClass( 'spritedoc-box' ) ) { var boxPos = this.getBoundingClientRect(); scroll( 0, $win.scrollTop() + + boxPos.height / 2 - mouse.y ); // Flash the box so it is obvious where it was sorted to $this.css( 'background-color', 'yellow' ); setTimeout( function() { $this.css( 'background-color', '' ); }, 1000 ); } else { // Otherwise make sure the section is in the same place relative to the window scroll( 0, $win.scrollTop() + this.getBoundingClientRect().top - ); } }; makeSortable( { selectors: '.spritedoc-section', handle: 'h3', vertical: true, sortStart: collapseBoxes, sortEnd: expandBoxes, } ); makeSortable( { selectors: { container: '.spritedoc-section', parent: '.spritedoc-boxes', elem: '.spritedoc-box', }, autoSort: true, sortStart: collapseBoxes, sortEnd: expandBoxes, } ); // Create toolbar var contentPadding = { left: $content.css( 'padding-left' ), right: $content.css( 'padding-right' ), }; $toolbar = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'spriteedit-toolbar' ).css( { paddingLeft: contentPadding.left, paddingRight: contentPadding.right, marginLeft: '-' + contentPadding.left, marginRight: '-' + contentPadding.right, } ); var undoButton = new OO.ui.ButtonInputWidget( { id: 'spriteedit-undo', icon: 'undo', label: i18n.toolbarUndo, disabled: true, } ); undoButton.$ 'ooui-object', undoButton ); var redoButton = new OO.ui.ButtonInputWidget( { id: 'spriteedit-redo', icon: 'redo', label: i18n.toolbarRedo, disabled: true, } ); redoButton.$ 'ooui-object', redoButton ); var newSectionButton = new OO.ui.ButtonInputWidget( { id: 'spriteedit-add-section', icon: 'textStyle', label: i18n.toolbarNewSection, } ); newSectionButton.$ 'ooui-object', newSectionButton ); var newImageButton = new OO.ui.ButtonInputWidget( { id: 'spriteedit-add-image', icon: 'imageAdd', label: i18n.toolbarNewImage, } ); newImageButton.$ 'ooui-object', newImageButton ); if ( !imageEditingSupported ) { newImageButton.setDisabled( true ).$element .prop( 'title', i18n.browserActionNotSupported ) .css( 'cursor', 'help' ); } var saveButton = new OO.ui.ButtonInputWidget( { id: 'spriteedit-save', flags: [ 'progressive', 'primary' ], icon: 'expand', label: i18n.toolbarSave, disabled: true, } ); saveButton.$ 'ooui-object', saveButton ).css( 'right', contentPadding.right ); var toolboxSelect = new OO.ui.DropdownWidget( { id: 'spriteedit-toolbox', label: i18n.toolbarTools, $overlay: $doc, } ); toolboxSelect.$ 'ooui-object', toolboxSelect ); var helpButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { id: 'spriteedit-help', framed: false, icon: 'help', title: i18n.toolbarHelp, href: mw.util.getUrl( i18n.toolbarHelpPage ), target: '_blank', } ); $toolbar.append( new OO.ui.ButtonGroupWidget( { items: [ undoButton, redoButton ], } ).$element, new OO.ui.ButtonGroupWidget( { items: [ newSectionButton, newImageButton ], } ).$element, toolboxSelect.$element, saveButton.$element, helpButton.$element ); // Create tools var $toolbox = $toolbar.find( '#spriteedit-toolbox' ); var deprecateOption = new OO.ui.MenuOptionWidget( { data: 'deprecate', label: i18n.toolbarToolDeprecate, icon: 'flag', } ); deprecateOption.$element.prop( 'title', i18n.toolbarToolDeprecateTip ); toolboxSelect.getMenu().addItems( [ deprecateOption ] ); var $barContainer = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'spriteedit-toolbar-container' ) .append( $toolbar ).prependTo( $doc ); // Re-attach content and reset scroll position if ( $docPrev.length ) { $doc.insertAfter( $docPrev ); } else { $doc.prependTo( $docParent ); } if ( $win.scrollTop() !== initialScroll ) { scroll( 0, initialScroll ); } // Set height now that everything is re-attached var toolbarHeight = $toolbar[0].getBoundingClientRect().height; $barContainer.height( toolbarHeight ); // Wait until everything else is done so the animation is smooth requestAnimationFrame( function() { var barTop = $barContainer[0].getBoundingClientRect().top; if ( barTop > 0 ) { $root.addClass( 'spriteedit-smoothscroll' ); scroll( 0, barTop + $win.scrollTop() + 1 ); } } ); // Check the editor's change tag exists // Since the tag isn't important, we don't wait for the request to finish // If it isn't done by the time we try to save, we assume we can't tag if ( canTag !== false ) { findChangeTag( 'spriteeditor' ).then( function( result ) { canTag = result; } ); } /** Bind events **/ /* Outside interface events */ // Prevent accidentally closing window if changes have been made preventClose = mw.confirmCloseWindow( { namespace: 'spriteEdit', test: function() { return !saveButton.isDisabled(); }, } ); $( '#ca-view' ).find( 'a' ).on( 'click.spriteEdit', function( e ) { close(); e.preventDefault(); } ); /* Toolbar events */ // Manually make the toolbar sticky if position:sticky isn't supported if ( !supports( 'position', 'sticky' ) && !supports( 'position', '-webkit-sticky' ) ) { var fixedClass = 'spriteedit-toolbar-fixed'; var contentOffset = $content.offset().left + 1; $win.on( 'scroll.spriteEdit', $.throttle( 32, function() { var fixed = $toolbar.hasClass( fixedClass ), scrollTop = $win.scrollTop(), offset = $barContainer.offset().top; if ( !fixed && scrollTop >= offset ) { $toolbar.addClass( fixedClass ).css( 'left', contentOffset ); } else if ( fixed && scrollTop < offset ) { $toolbar.removeClass( fixedClass ).css( 'left', '' ); } } ) ); } $( '#spriteedit-undo' ).find( 'button' ).on( 'click.spriteEdit', function() { $( this ).focus().blur(); // We're not meant to be editing if ( $root.hasClass( 'spriteedit-hidecontrols' ) ) { return; } var hist = changes.pop(); revert( hist ); undoneChanges.push( hist ); redoButton.setDisabled( false ); } ); $( '#spriteedit-redo' ).find( 'button' ).on( 'click.spriteEdit', function() { $( this ).focus().blur(); // We're not meant to be editing if ( $root.hasClass( 'spriteedit-hidecontrols' ) ) { return; } var hist = undoneChanges.pop(); $.each( hist, function() { change( this.action, this.content, false, true ); } ); changes.push( hist ); if ( !undoneChanges.length ) { redoButton.setDisabled( true ); } $.each( [ '#spriteedit-undo', '#spriteedit-save', '#spriteedit-summary', '#spriteedit-review-button', ], function() { if ( $( this ).length ) { $( this ).data( 'ooui-object' ).setDisabled( false ); } } ); } ); $( '#spriteedit-add-section' ).find( 'button' ).on( 'click.spriteEdit', function() { $( this ).focus().blur(); // We're not meant to be editing if ( $root.hasClass( 'spriteedit-hidecontrols' ) ) { return; } var $newHeading = $headingTemplate.clone(); change( 'insert', { $elem: $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'spritedoc-section' ).prepend( $newHeading, $( '<ul>' ).addClass( 'spritedoc-boxes' ) ), index: $( nearestSection() ).index() - 1, $parent: $doc, }, true ); $newHeading.find( '.mw-headline' ).focus(); } ); $( '#spriteedit-add-image' ).find( 'button' ).on( 'click.spriteEdit', function() { $( this ).focus().blur(); // We're not meant to be editing if ( $root.hasClass( 'spriteedit-hidecontrols' ) ) { return; } $( '<input type="file">' ) .attr( { accept: 'image/*', multiple: true, } ) .one( 'change.spriteEdit', function() { insertSprites( this.files ); } ).click(); } ); // Toolbox functions // Modify click event to not open menu when we're not meant to be editing, // or a tool is already selected toolboxSelect.origOnClick = toolboxSelect.onClick; toolboxSelect.onClick = function( e ) { if ( $root.hasClass( 'spriteedit-hidecontrols' ) ) { this.$handle.blur(); return; } toolboxSelect, e ); }; toolboxSelect.$ 'click' ).on( 'click', toolboxSelect.onClick.bind( toolboxSelect ) ); toolboxSelect.on( 'labelChange', function() { if ( !toolboxSelect.getLabel() ) { toolboxSelect.setLabel( i18n.toolbarTools ); } } ); var toolNamespace = '.spriteEdit.spriteEditTool.spriteEditTool'; var tool; // Bind events for each tool's function toolboxSelect.getMenu().on( 'choose', function( item ) { tool = item.getData(); $root.addClass( 'spriteedit-hidecontrols spriteedit-tool spriteedit-tool-' + tool ); switch ( tool ) { case 'deprecate': $doc.on( 'click' + toolNamespace + 'Deprecate', '.spritedoc-name > code', function() { change( 'toggle deprecation', { $elem: $( this ) } ); } ); break; } } ); // Clear tool when clicking a toolbar button, the toolbox itself, or pressing escape var clearTool = function( e ) { if ( !$root.hasClass( 'spriteedit-tool' ) ) { return; } toolboxSelect.getMenu().selectItem(); $ '.spriteEditTool' ); $root.removeClass( 'spriteedit-hidecontrols spriteedit-tool spriteedit-tool-' + tool ); tool = null; }; $toolbar.on( 'mouseup.spriteEdit', 'button', function() { clearTool(); } ); $toolbox.on( 'click.spriteEdit', function() { clearTool(); } ); $( document ).on( 'keydown.spriteEdit', function( e ) { // Esc if ( e.keyCode === 27 ) { clearTool(); } } ); // Drag and drop functionality if ( imageEditingSupported ) { var dragTimeout, dragEnded; var endDrag = function() { $root.removeClass( 'spriteedit-dragging' ); clearTimeout( dragTimeout ); clearTimeout( dropTimeout ); dragEnded = false; dropEnded = false; }; var isFile = function( e ) { var types = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.types; return types.indexOf ? types.indexOf( 'Files' ) > -1 || types.indexOf( 'application/x-moz-file' ) > -1 : types.contains( 'Files' ); }; $win.on( 'dragenter.spriteEdit', function( e ) { if ( !isFile( e ) ) { return; } $root.addClass( 'spriteedit-dragging' ); } ).on( 'dragover.spriteEdit', function() { clearTimeout( dragTimeout ); dragEnded = false; } ).on( 'dragleave.spriteEdit', function( e ) { if ( !isFile( e ) ) { return; } clearTimeout( dragTimeout ); dragEnded = true; dragTimeout = setTimeout( function() { if ( dragEnded ) { endDrag(); } }, 100 ); } ); var dropTimeout, dropEnded; $doc.on( 'dragenter.spriteEdit', '.spritedoc-section', function( e ) { if ( !isFile( e ) ) { return; } $doc.find( '.spriteedit-droptarget' ).not( this ).removeClass( 'spriteedit-droptarget' ); $( this ).addClass( 'spriteedit-droptarget' ); } ).on( 'dragover.spriteEdit', '.spritedoc-section', function( e ) { clearTimeout( dropTimeout ); dropEnded = false; e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy'; e.preventDefault(); } ).on( 'dragleave.spriteEdit', '.spritedoc-section', function( e ) { if ( !isFile( e ) ) { return; } clearTimeout( dropTimeout ); dropEnded = true; dropTimeout = setTimeout( function() { if ( dropEnded ) { $doc.find( '.spriteedit-droptarget' ).removeClass( 'spriteedit-droptarget' ); dropEnded = false; } }, 100 ); } ).on( 'drop.spriteEdit', '.spritedoc-section', function( e ) { if ( !isFile( e ) ) { return; } $doc.find( '.spriteedit-droptarget' ).removeClass( 'spriteedit-droptarget' ); insertSprites( e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files, this ); endDrag(); e.preventDefault(); } ); } $( '#spriteedit-save' ).find( 'button' ).on( 'click.spriteEdit', function() { var $button = $( this ); $button.focus().blur(); // Prevent saving and notify if there are duplicate names, but only // if there's more than one. If there's only one, it's clearly been // incorrectly marked as a duplicate if ( $doc.find( '.spriteedit-dupe' ).length > 1 ) { mw.notify( i18n.dupeNamesNotice, { type: 'warn', autoHide: false } ); return; } // Prevent saving if button already pressed and still processing if ( $button.hasClass( 'spriteedit-processing' ) ) { return; } $button.addClass( 'spriteedit-processing' ); if ( $toolbar.hasClass( 'spriteedit-saveform-open' ) ) { // If we know changes weren't made (by performing a diff), // quit out, otherwise it's likely faster to just save and // assume changes were made, than wait for the diff to be ready. // It will just be a null edit if nothing was changed. if ( !names.modified && !sheet.modified ) { destroy( true ); return; } saveChanges( $( '#spriteedit-summary' ).data( 'ooui-object' ).getValue() ); return; } saveModules.done( function() { $toolbar.addClass( 'spriteedit-saveform-open' ); $button .removeClass( 'spriteedit-processing' ) // Prevent accidental double-click saving .css( 'pointer-events', 'none' ); $button.parent().data( 'ooui-object' ).setIcon( 'check' ); if ( !$toolbar.find( '#spriteedit-saveform' ).length ) { var summaryInput = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget( { id: 'spriteedit-summary', name: 'wpSummary', spellcheck: true, placeholder: i18n.toolbarSummaryPlaceholder, } ); summaryInput.$ 'ooui-object', summaryInput ); mw.widgets.visibleByteLimit( summaryInput, mw.config.get( 'wgCommentByteLimit' ) ); $( '<div>' ) .attr( 'id', 'spriteedit-saveform' ) .css( 'margin-right', $( '#spriteedit-save' )[0].getBoundingClientRect().width ) .append( summaryInput.$element, makeButton( i18n.toolbarReviewChanges, { id: 'spriteedit-review-button' } ) ).appendTo( $toolbar ); } var openedToolbarHeight = $toolbar[0].getBoundingClientRect().height; $toolbar .outerHeight( toolbarHeight ) .redraw() .outerHeight( openedToolbarHeight ) .transitionEnd( function() { $button.css( 'pointer-events', '' ); $barContainer.height( openedToolbarHeight ); $( '#spriteedit-summary' ).data( 'ooui-object' ).focus(); // Do this after the transition so there is no stutter names.getDiff(); sheet.stash(); } ); } ); } ); $doc.on( 'keydown.spriteEdit', '#spriteedit-summary', function( e ) { // Anything but Enter if ( e.which !== 13 ) { return; } $( this ).blur(); $( '#spriteedit-save' ).find( 'button' ).click(); e.preventDefault(); } ); $doc.on( 'click.spriteEdit', '#spriteedit-review-button > button', function() { var $button = $( this ); if ( $button.hasClass( 'spriteedit-processing' ) ) { return; } $button.focus().blur().addClass( 'spriteedit-processing' ); var sheetUrl; var changesPanel = panels.changes || panel( 'changes', { title: i18n.panelChangesTitle, content: [ $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'spriteedit-sheet-changes' ), $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'spriteedit-id-changes' ), ], onClose: function() { URL.revokeObjectURL( sheetUrl ); }, } ); var $changesText = changesPanel.$text; $.when( names.getDiff(), sheet.getData() ).then( function( diff, sheetBlob ) { var sheetChanges; if ( !diff && !sheetBlob ) { $changesText.text( i18n.panelChangesNoDiffFromCur ); } else { if ( sheetBlob ) { sheetChanges = $.Deferred(); var newSpritesheet = new Image(); newSpritesheet.onload = function() { newSpritesheet.onload = null; $changesText.find( '.spriteedit-sheet-changes' ).append( $( '<div>' ).text( i18n.panelChangesSheetTitle ), $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'spriteedit-sheet-diff' ).append( $( '<span>' ).addClass( 'spriteedit-old-sheet' ).append( spritesheet ), $( '<span>' ).addClass( 'spriteedit-new-sheet' ).append( newSpritesheet ) ) ); sheetChanges.resolve(); }; sheetUrl = URL.createObjectURL( sheetBlob ); newSpritesheet.src = sheetUrl; } if ( diff ) { $changesText.find( '.spriteedit-id-changes' ).append( $( '<div>' ).text( i18n.panelChangesIdTitle ), $( '<div>' ).append( diff ) ); } } $.when( sheetChanges ).done( function() { $button.removeClass( 'spriteedit-processing' );; } ); }, function( code, data ) { $button.removeClass( 'spriteedit-processing' ); handleError( code, data ); } ); } ); /* Edit control events */ $doc.on( 'click.spriteEdit', '.spriteedit-add-name > button', function() { var $names = $( this ).closest( '.spritedoc-box' ).find( '.spritedoc-name' ); var $item = $( '<li>' ).addClass( 'spritedoc-name' ); var $name = $( '<code>' ).addClass( 'spriteedit-new' ) .attr( 'data-placeholder', i18n.namePlaceholder ); addControls( $item.append( $name ), 'name' ); change( 'insert', { $elem: $item, index: $names.length - 1, $parent: $names.first().parent(), }, true ); $name.focus(); } ); $doc.on( 'focus.spriteEdit', '[contenteditable]', function() { var $this = $( this ); if ( $root.hasClass( 'spriteedit-hidecontrols' ) ) { $this.blur(); return; } var text = $this.text(); $this.attr( 'data-original-text', text ); if ( !changes.length ) { $ 'keypress.spriteEdit', function() { $.each( [ '#spriteedit-save', '#spriteedit-summary', '#spriteedit-review-button', ], function() { if ( $( this ).length ) { $( this ).data( 'ooui-object' ).setDisabled( false ); } } ); } ); } } ); $doc.on( 'blur.spriteEdit', '[contenteditable]', function() { if ( $root.hasClass( 'spriteedit-hidecontrols' ) ) { return; } var $this = $( this ); var text = $this.text(); var trimmedText = text.trim().replace( / +/g, ' ' ); var origText = $this.attr( 'data-original-text' ); $this.removeAttr( 'data-original-text' ).off( 'keypress.spriteEdit' ); // Can't make a change if we don't know what the original text was // This can happen when Edge calls the blur event on elements that // that aren't focused, which it does when moving the highlight // when using the find in browser feature if ( origText === undefined ) { return; } if ( text !== trimmedText ) { text = trimmedText; $this.text( text ); } if ( text === '' ) { var $remove, $parent; if ( $this.hasClass( 'mw-headline' ) ) { if ( $doc.find( '.spritedoc-section' ).length === 1 ) { text = i18n.sectionUncategorized; $this.text( text ); } else { $remove = $this.closest( '.spritedoc-section' ); $parent = $doc; } } else { var $names = $this.closest( '.spritedoc-names' ); if ( $names.find( '.spritedoc-name' ).length > 1 ) { $remove = $this.parent(); $parent = $names; } else { $remove = $names.parent(); $parent = $remove.parent(); } } if ( $remove ) { if ( $this.hasClass( 'spriteedit-new' ) ) { // Just pretend it never happened $remove.remove(); change.discard(); return; } // Restore original text before deleting so undo works $this.text( origText ); change( 'delete', { $elem: $remove, index: $remove.index() - 1, $parent: $parent, } ); return; } } if ( text === origText ) { if ( !changes.length ) { $.each( [ '#spriteedit-save', '#spriteedit-summary', '#spriteedit-review-button', ], function() { if ( $( this ).length ) { $( this ).data( 'ooui-object' ).setDisabled( true ); } } ); } return; } if ( usedNames[text] ) { // Wait until after edit change, as it may move the element // which the tooltip should be anchored to requestAnimationFrame( function() { tooltip( $this, i18n.dupeName ); } ); } change( 'edit', { $elem: $this, oldText: origText, text: text, } ); if ( $this.hasClass( 'spriteedit-new' ) ) { $this.removeClass( 'spriteedit-new' ).removeAttr( 'data-placeholder' ); } } ); $doc.on( 'keypress.spriteEdit', '[contenteditable]', function( e ) { // Enter key if ( e.which === 13 ) { $( this ).blur(); e.preventDefault(); } } ); // Make pastes plain text $doc.on( 'paste.spriteEdit', '[contenteditable]', function( e ) { var text = ( e.originalEvent.clipboardData || window.clipboardData ).getData( 'Text' ); text = text.replace( /\n/g, ' ' ).trim(); window.document.execCommand( 'insertText', false, text ); e.preventDefault(); } ); var isText = function( e ) { var types = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.types; return types.indexOf ? types.indexOf( 'text/plain' ) > -1 : types.contains( 'text/plain' ); }; $doc.on( 'dragenter.spriteEdit dragover.spriteEdit', '[contenteditable]', function( e ) { if ( !isText( e ) ) { return; } e.preventDefault(); } ); $doc.on( 'drop.spriteEdit', function( e ) { // Prevent default drop on anything but contenteditable // This prevents browsers dropping content into a nearby contenteditable, which doesn't // trigger any kind of drop event on the contenteditable (because you didn't actually // drop anything directly on it), thus making it impossible to handle it properly. if ( !$( ).is( '[contenteditable]' ) ) { e.preventDefault(); return; } if ( !isText( e ) ) { return; } var $this = $( ); $this.focus(); setTimeout( function() { var text = $this.text().replace( /\n/g, ' ' ); if ( $this.html() !== $( '<i>' ).text( text ).html() ) { $this.text( text ); } $this.blur(); }, 0 ); } ); if ( imageEditingSupported ) { $doc.on( 'click.spriteEdit', '.spritedoc-image', function() { var $parent = $( this ); tooltip( $parent, [ makeButton( i18n.ctxReplaceImage, { type: [ 'progressive', 'primary' ], icon: 'imageGallery', action: function() { $( '<input type="file">' ) .attr( 'accept', 'image/*' ) .one( 'change', function() { tooltip.hide(); scaleImage( this.files[0] ).done( function( $img ) { $img.addClass( 'spriteedit-replacing-image' ); change( 'replace image', { $elem: $img, $parent: $parent, $oldImg: $parent.find( 'img' ), } ); } ); } ).click(); }, } ), makeButton( i18n.ctxDownloadImage, { icon: 'download', action: function() { var $button = $( this ); var data; var $box = $parent.parent(); // Already an image, just pass on the object URL if ( $box.hasClass( 'spriteedit-new' ) ) { data = $parent.find( '> img' ).attr( 'src' ); } else { $button.addClass( 'spriteedit-processing' ); data = sheetRequest.then( function() { // Individual sprite needs to be extracted from the spritesheet var width = settings.imageWidth; var height = settings.imageHeight; var posPx = posToPx( $ 'pos' ) ); var imgCanv = getCanvas( 'image' ); imgCanv.clear(); imgCanv.ctx.drawImage( spritesheet, posPx.left,, width, height, 0, 0, width, height ); var d = $.Deferred(); imgCanv.canvas.toBlob( d.resolve ); return d.promise(); } ); } $.when( data ).then( function( blob ) { $button.removeClass( 'spriteedit-processing' ); var name = $ 'sort-key' ) + '.png'; // IE10+: (has Blob, but not a[download]) if ( navigator.msSaveBlob ) { return navigator.msSaveBlob( blob, name ); } var dlLink = $( '<a>' ).attr( { href: URL.createObjectURL( blob ), download: name, } ).appendTo( 'body' ); dlLink[0].click(); dlLink.remove(); } ); }, } ), makeButton( i18n.ctxDeleteImage, { type: [ 'destructive', 'primary' ], icon: 'trash', action: function() { tooltip.hide( function() { var $box = $parent.parent(); change( 'delete', { $elem: $box, $parent: $box.parent(), index: $box.index() - 1, } ); } ); }, } ), ], { horizontal: true, class: 'spriteedit-tooltip-controls' } ); } ); } /* Window events */ $win.on( 'resize.spriteEdit', $.throttle( 32, function() { var $conflict = $( '#spriteedit-dialog-conflict' ); if ( $conflict.length && $ ':visible' ) ) { var $textarea = $conflict.find( 'textarea' ); $textarea.css( 'max-height', ( $conflict.find( '.spriteedit-dialog-text' ).height() - $textarea.parent()[0].offsetTop ) + 'px' ); } } ) ); var updateMouse = function( e ) { mouse.moved = true; mouse.x = e.clientX; mouse.y = e.clientY; }; // Only update mouse while sorting, dragging, or while over a handle $doc.on( 'mouseenter.spriteEdit mousemove.spriteEdit', '.spriteedit-handle', function( e ) { if ( !sorting ) { updateMouse( e ); } } ); $( document ).on( 'mousemove.spriteEdit', function( e ) { if ( sorting ) { updateMouse( e ); } } ).on( 'dragover.spriteEdit', function( e ) { updateMouse( e.originalEvent ); } ); // Disable smooth scrolling once scrolling ends so it does not interfere with user scrolling. $win.on( 'scroll.spriteEdit', $.debounce( 250, function() { $root.removeClass( 'spriteedit-smoothscroll' ); } ) ); }; /** Editor functions **/ /** * Closes the editor * * If there are no changes, destroys the editor immediately. * If there are changes, opens a panel asking for confirmation first. * * "state" is what triggered the editor to close (e.g. from history navigation) */ var close = function( state ) { if ( !$root.hasClass( 'spriteedit-enabled' ) || $( '#spriteedit-save' ).data( 'ooui-object' ).isDisabled() ) { destroy( true, state === 'history' ); } else { var discardPanel = panels.discard || panel( 'discard', { title: i18n.panelDiscardTitle, content: $( '<p>' ).text( i18n.panelDiscardText ), actions: { right: [ { text: i18n.panelDiscardContinue, config: { action: function() { discardPanel.hide(); } } }, { text: i18n.panelDiscardDiscard, config: { type: [ 'destructive', 'primary' ], icon: 'trash', action: function() { discardPanel.hide( function() { destroy( true, state === 'history' ); } ); } } }, ] }, } );; } }; /** * Construct a wiki diff from an API request * * "data" is the API response. * Returns a jQuery object containing the diff table, an error message * if something went wrong, or nothing if the diff is empty. */ var makeDiff = function( data ) { if ( !data || !data.query || !data.query.pages ) { return i18n.genericError; } var page = data.query.pages[0]; if ( !page ) { return i18n.diffErrorMissingPage; } var diff = page.revisions[0].diff.body; if ( diff === undefined ) { return i18n.diffError; } if ( !diff.length ) { return; } return $( '<table>' ).addClass( 'diff' ).append( $( '<col>' ).addClass( 'diff-marker' ), $( '<col>' ).addClass( 'diff-content' ), $( '<col>' ).addClass( 'diff-marker' ), $( '<col>' ).addClass( 'diff-content' ), $( '<tbody>' ).html( diff ) ); }; var names = ( function() { var promises = {}; /** * Create a deferred object for the request type * * If a deferred of this type already exists, or names is not * modified, returns false. * * Otherwise, adds the deferred's promise to the list, and returns * the deferred. */ var makeDeferred = function( type ) { if ( promises[type] ) { return false; } var deferred = $.Deferred(); promises[type] = deferred.promise(); if ( !names.modified ) { deferred.resolve(); return false; } return deferred; }; return { /** * Invalidates all promises and sets the modified state, if specified */ invalidate: function( modified ) { promises = {}; if ( modified !== undefined ) { names.modified = modified; } }, /** * Returns the names object */ getObject: function() { var deferred = makeDeferred( 'object' ); if ( !deferred ) { return promises.object; } sheet.updatePositions().done( function() { var $sections = $doc.find( '.spritedoc-section' ); var sectionIds = []; var getSectionId = ( function() { var id = 0; return function() { if ( id < sectionIds.length ) { sectionIds.sort( function( a, b ) { return a - b; } ); $.each( sectionIds, function( _, v ) { if ( v - id > 1 ) { return false; } id = v; } ); } id++; sectionIds.push( id ); return id; }; }() ); $sections.each( function() { var id = $( this ).data( 'section-id' ); if ( id !== undefined ) { sectionIds.push( id ); } } ); var headingRows = []; var ids = []; $sections.each( function() { var $section = $( this ); var sectionId = $ 'section-id' ) || getSectionId(); var sectionName = $section.find( '.mw-headline' ).text().replace( /\s+/g, ' ' ); var row = {}; row[i18n.luaKeyName] = sectionName; row[i18n.luaKeyId] = sectionId; headingRows.push( row ); $section.find( '.spritedoc-box' ).each( function() { var $box = $( this ); var pos = $ 'pos' ); if ( pos === undefined ) { pos = $ 'new-pos' ); } $box.find( '.spritedoc-name' ).find( 'code' ).each( function() { var $this = $( this ); var id = $this.text().replace( /\s+/g, ' ' ); ids.push( { sortKey: id.toLowerCase(), id: id, pos: pos, section: sectionId, deprecated: $this.hasClass( 'spritedoc-deprecated' ), } ); } ); } ); } ); ids.sort( function( a, b ) { return a.sortKey > b.sortKey ? 1 : -1; } ); var idsRows = {}; $.each( ids, function() { var idData = {}; idData[i18n.luaKeyPos] = this.pos; idData[i18n.luaKeySection] = this.section; if ( this.deprecated ) { idData[i18n.luaKeyDeprecated] = this.deprecated; } idsRows[] = idData; } ); // Sort the settings object so it doesn't change order // everytime due to lua not supporting ordered tables var sortedSettings = {}; Object.keys( spriteSettings ).sort().forEach( function( key ) { sortedSettings[key] = spriteSettings[key]; } ); var table = {}; table[i18n.luaKeySettings] = sortedSettings; table[i18n.luaKeySections] = headingRows; table[i18n.luaKeyIds] = idsRows; deferred.resolve( table ); } ); return promises.object; }, /** * Returns the names Lua table * * Updates the URL timestamp if URLs are being used and the sheet * has been modified. As such, this always generates a new table if * there isn't one already pending. */ getTable: function() { if ( promises.table && promises.table.state() === 'resolved' ) { promises.table = null; } var deferred = makeDeferred( 'table' ); if ( !deferred ) { return promises.table; } names.getObject().then( function( obj ) { if ( spriteSettings[i18n.luaKeySettingsUrl] ) { var url = $ 'original-url' ).split( '?' ); // Update the version parameter if the sheet was modified // or if there's no version parameter if ( sheet.modified || !url[1] ) { url[1] = 'version=' +; $ 'url', url.join( '?' ) ); } obj[i18n.luaKeySettings][i18n.luaKeySettingsUrl] = luaTable.func( $ 'urlfunc' ).replace( /\$1/, url[1] ) ); } deferred.resolve( 'return ' + luaTable.create( obj ) ); } ); return promises.table; }, /** * Sets the names Lua table to the specified content */ setTable: function( table ) { names.invalidate( true ); promises.table = $.Deferred().resolve( table ).promise(); }, /** * Requests a diff of the names Lua table against * the current revisions content */ getDiff: function() { var deferred = makeDeferred( 'diff' ); if ( !deferred ) { return promises.diff; } names.getTable().then( function( table ) { return retryableRequest( function() { return new mw.Api( { ajax: { contentType: 'multipart/form-data' }, } ).post( { action: 'query', prop: 'revisions', titles: dataPage, rvprop: '', rvdifftotext: table, rvlimit: 1, formatversion: 2, } ); } ); } ).then( function( data ) { var diff = makeDiff( data ); names.modified = !!diff; deferred.resolve( diff ); }, function( code, data ) { deferred.reject( code, data ); promises.diff = null; } ); return promises.diff; }, /** * Saves the names table * * "summary" is the edit summary for the edit. */ save: function( summary, conflict ) { var deferred = makeDeferred( 'save' ); if ( !deferred ) { return; } names.getTable().then( function( table ) { // TODO: Check if edit actually succeeded on failure or null edit return retryableRequest( function() { return new mw.Api( { ajax: { contentType: 'multipart/form-data' }, } ).postWithToken( 'csrf', { action: 'edit', nocreate: true, title: dataPage, text: table, // If there's already been an edit conflict, just allow the edit // through conflict-free, as it's already annoying enough to // deal with one conflict. basetimestamp: !conflict ? $ 'datatimestamp' ) : undefined, summary: summary, tags: canTag ? 'spriteeditor' : undefined, formatversion: 2, } ); } ); } ).then( deferred.resolve, function( code, data ) { deferred.reject( code, data ); = null; } ); return; }, }; }() ); var sheet = ( function() { var promises = {}; /** * Create a deferred object for the request type * * If a deferred of this type already exists, or the sheet is not * modified, returns false. * * Otherwise, adds the deferred's promise to the list, and returns * the deferred. */ var makeDeferred = function( type ) { if ( promises[type] ) { return false; } var deferred = $.Deferred(); promises[type] = deferred.promise(); if ( !sheet.modified ) { deferred.resolve(); return false; } return deferred; }; return { /** * Invalidates all promises and sets the modified state, if specified */ invalidate: function( modified ) { promises = {}; if ( modified !== undefined ) { sheet.modified = modified; } if ( spriteSettings[i18n.luaKeySettingsUrl] ) { names.invalidate( true ); } }, /** * Invalidates just the stash's promise */ invalidateStash: function() { promises.stash = null; }, /** * Updates the potential position information * for any new images, and resizes the canvas */ updatePositions: function() { var deferred = makeDeferred( 'pos' ); if ( !deferred ) { return promises.pos; } sheetRequest.then( function() { var lastPos = spriteSettings[i18n.luaKeySettingsPos] || 1; var usedPos = {}; usedPos[lastPos] = true; var newImgs = []; $doc.find( '.spritedoc-box' ).each( function() { var $box = $( this ); var pos = $ 'pos' ); if ( pos === undefined ) { newImgs.push( $box ); } else { usedPos[pos] = true; if ( pos > lastPos ) { lastPos = pos; } } } ); if ( newImgs.length ) { var unusedPos = []; for ( var i = 1; i <= lastPos; i++ ) { if ( !usedPos[i] ) { unusedPos.push( i ); } } newImgs.forEach( function( $box ) { $ 'new-pos', unusedPos.length ? unusedPos.shift() : ++lastPos ); } ); if ( !unusedPos.length ) { var imagesPerRow = ( settings.sheetWidth + settings.spacing ) / ( settings.imageWidth + settings.spacing ); settings.sheetHeight = Math.ceil( lastPos / imagesPerRow ) * ( settings.imageHeight + settings.spacing ) - settings.spacing; getCanvas( 'sheet' ).resize(); } } deferred.resolve(); } ); return promises.pos; }, /** * Draws the new sheet and returns it as a data URL */ getData: function() { var deferred = makeDeferred( 'sheet' ); if ( !deferred ) { return promises.sheet; } $.when( sheet.updatePositions(), $.when.apply( null, loadingImages ) ).then( function() { var sheetCanvas = getCanvas( 'sheet' ); sheetCanvas.clear(); sheetCanvas.ctx.drawImage( spritesheet, 0, 0 ); // TODO: Clear deleted images so when new images fill their place // the original images don't show up while the old sheet is cached // Insert new images into sheet $doc.find( '.spriteedit-new' ).each( function() { var $box = $( this ); var img = $box.find( 'img' )[0]; var pos = $ 'pos' ); if ( pos === undefined ) { pos = $ 'new-pos' ); } var posPx = posToPx( pos ); // Clear previous image including spacing, just in-case // someone manually uploaded an image overlapping the spacing sheetCanvas.ctx.clearRect( posPx.left - settings.spacing, - settings.spacing, settings.imageWidth + settings.spacing * 2, settings.imageHeight + settings.spacing * 2 ); sheetCanvas.ctx.drawImage( img, posPx.left, ); } ); sheetCanvas.canvas.toBlob( deferred.resolve ); loadingImages = []; }, function() { deferred.reject(); promises.sheet = null; } ); return promises.sheet; }, /** * Stashes the sheet to the server */ stash: function() { var deferred = makeDeferred( 'stash' ); if ( !deferred ) { return promises.stash; } sheet.getData().then( function( blob ) { return retryableRequest( function() { return new mw.Api( { ajax: { contentType: 'multipart/form-data' }, } ).postWithToken( 'csrf', { action: 'upload', stash: true, ignorewarnings: true, filename: $ 'spritesheet' ), file: blob, formatversion: 2, } ); } ); } ).then( function( data ) { deferred.resolve( data.upload.filekey ); }, function( code, data ) { deferred.reject( code, data ); promises.stash = null; } ); return promises.stash; }, /** * Commits the stash to the server * * If the request fails, will re-stash the image and commit it, once. * * "summary" is the edit summary for the upload. * "retried" is a boolean stating whether the upload has * already been retried. */ save: function( summary, retried ) { var deferred = makeDeferred( 'save' ); if ( !deferred ) { return; } sheet.stash().then( function( key ) { // TODO: Check if upload actually succeeded on failure return retryableRequest( function() { return new mw.Api().postWithToken( 'csrf', { action: 'upload', ignorewarnings: true, comment: summary, filename: $ 'spritesheet' ), filekey: key, tags: canTag ? 'spriteeditor' : undefined, formatversion: 2, } ); } ); } ).then( deferred.resolve, function( code, data ) { = null; if ( retried ) { if ( code === 'stashedfilenotfound' ) { sheet.invalidateStash(); } deferred.reject( code, data ); } else { sheet.invalidateStash(); summary, true ); } } ); return; }, }; }() ); /** * Performs a save of the ID changes and/or spritesheet changes * * If there are changes and everything works out, the editor closes, the current * page is purged, the timestamp is updated (for another edit in this session), * and a success message is displayed. * If there aren't changes, the editor will silently close, as if a null edit was performed * (which if the diff wasn't ready in time, there will have been). * In the event of an edit conflict, a manual resolution panel will be displayed. * Otherwise, whatever error occurred will be displayed. * * "summary" is the text from the summary field. * "refresh" is a boolean, which when true will cause the sprite documentation * to be reparsed after saving (e.g. in the event of an edit conflict). * "conflict" is a boolean which specifies if this is saving an edit conflict or not */ var saveChanges = function( summary, refresh, conflict ) { // No more editing $root.addClass( 'spriteedit-hidecontrols' ); // Have to refresh if a new image is added to get the sprite HTML if ( refresh !== false ) { refresh = !!$( '.spriteedit-new-image' ).length; } summary ).then( function() { return summary, conflict ); } ).then( function( data ) { if ( sheet.modified ) { if ( spriteSettings[i18n.luaKeySettingsUrl] ) { var url = $ 'url' ); overwriteSpritesheet( url ); $ 'original-url', url ); } else { sheet.getData().then( function( blob ) { overwriteSpritesheet( URL.createObjectURL( blob ) ); } ); } } // Prevent disabling, otherwise we'd end up with the old // spritesheet if the editor was restarted and closed = null; // Null edit, nothing to do here if ( !data || data.edit.nochange ) { return; } $ 'datatimestamp', fixTimestamp( data.edit.newtimestamp ) ); // Purge this page so the changes show up immediately retryableRequest( function() { return new mw.Api().post( { action: 'purge', pageids: mw.config.get( 'wgArticleId' ), } ); } ); } ).then( function() { var newContent; if ( refresh ) { newContent = retryableRequest( function() { return parseApi.get( { title: mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ), text: $( '<i>' ).html( $.parseHTML( $doc.attr( 'data-refreshtext' ) ) ).html(), } ); } ); } $.when( newContent ).done( function( data ) { if ( refresh ) { $doc.replaceWith( data.parse.text ); } } ).always( function() { destroy(); mw.hook( 'postEdit' ).fire( { message: i18n.changesSavedNotice } ); } ); }, handleSaveError ); }; /** * Handles special case errors that occur when saving (AKA, handleError with edit conflicts) * * If there's an edit conflict, this will be display a barely human-usable edit conflict * panel, where the user may manually merge the raw lua table changes. Sprite edit conflict * merging is not supported (because image uploading doesn't implement edit conflicts, for one). * Otherwise, passes it on to handleError. * * "code" and "data" are the standard variables returned by a mw.Api promise rejection. */ var handleSaveError = function( code, data ) { // Allow editing again $root.removeClass( 'spriteedit-hidecontrols' ); $( '#spriteedit-save' ).find( 'button' ).removeClass( 'spriteedit-processing' ); if ( code !== 'editconflict' ) { handleError( code, data ); return; } var conflictPanel = panels.conflict || panel( 'conflict', { title: i18n.panelConflictTitle, content: $( '<p>' ).text( i18n.panelConflictText ), actions: { left: { text: i18n.panelConflictReview, config: { id: 'review-conflict-changes', action: function() { var $button = $( this ); if ( $button.hasClass( 'spriteedit-processing' ) ) { return; } $button.blur().addClass( 'spriteedit-processing' ); var changesPanel = panels.ecchanges || panel( 'ecchanges', { title: i18n.panelEcchangesTitle, content: $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'spriteedit-id-changes' ), actions: { right: { text: i18n.panelEcchangesReturn, config: { id: 'spriteedit-return-edit', type: [ 'progressive', 'primary' ], action: function() {; }, } } }, onClose: function() { names.invalidate( true ); }, } ); names.setTable( $( '#spriteedit-ec-curText' ).data( 'ooui-object' ).getValue() ); names.getDiff().then( function( diff ) { changesPanel.clean(); if ( !diff ) { diff = i18n.panelChangesNoDiffFromCur; } changesPanel.$text.find( '.spriteedit-id-changes' ).append( diff );; }, function( code, data ) { $button.removeClass( 'spriteedit-processing' ); handleError( code, data ); } ); } } }, right: { text: i18n.panelConflictSave, config: { id: 'save-conflict', type: [ 'progressive', 'primary' ], action: function() { var $button = $( this ); if ( $button.hasClass( 'spriteedit-processing' ) ) { return; } $button.blur().addClass( 'spriteedit-processing' ); names.setTable( $( '#spriteedit-ec-curText' ).data( 'ooui-object' ).getValue() ); saveChanges( $( '#spriteedit-summary' ).data( 'ooui-object' ).getValue(), true, true ); }, } }, }, onShow: function() { this.$actions.find( 'button' ).removeClass( 'spriteedit-processing' ); var $textarea = this.$text.find( 'textarea' ); $textarea.css( 'max-height', ( this.$text.height() - $textarea.parent()[0].offsetTop ) + 'px' ); }, onClose: function() { names.invalidate( true ); }, } ); $.when( names.getTable(), names.getDiff(), retryableRequest( function() { return revisionsApi.get( { titles: dataPage } ); } ) ).then( function( table, diff, curTextData ) { // TODO: Change to MultilineTextInputWidget on MW 1.30 var curEditbox = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget( { id: 'spriteedit-ec-curText', multiline: true, value: curTextData[0].query.pages[0].revisions[0].content, } ); curEditbox.$ 'ooui-object', curEditbox ); var oldEditbox = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget( { id: 'spriteedit-ec-oldText', multiline: true, readOnly: true, value: table, } ); oldEditbox.$ 'ooui-object', oldEditbox ); var $curText = $( '<div>' ).append( $( '<p>' ).text( i18n.panelConflictCurText ), curEditbox.$element ); var $oldText = $( '<div>' ).append( $( '<p>' ).text( i18n.panelConflictYourText ), oldEditbox.$element ); conflictPanel.$text.append( $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'spriteedit-ec-editboxes' ).append( $curText, $oldText ), diff );; }, function( code, data ) { $( '#spriteedit-save' ).find( 'button' ).removeClass( 'spriteedit-processing' ); handleError( code, data ); } ); }; /** * Converts a position to pixel co-ordinates on the sheet */ var posToPx = function( pos ) { settings.imagesPerRow = settings.imagesPerRow || ( settings.sheetWidth + settings.spacing ) / ( settings.imageWidth + settings.spacing ); pos -= 1; return { left: pos % settings.imagesPerRow * ( settings.imageWidth + settings.spacing ), top: Math.floor( pos / settings.imagesPerRow ) * ( settings.imageHeight + settings.spacing ), }; }; /** * Inserts new images into the editor * * A box is created for the new image, with the name set to the file's name (minus extension). * The box is inserted into the nearest section and then sorted to the correct location. * Any file that doesn't match the image/* mime type is ignored. * * "files" is a "FileList" (or an array of "File" objects) from a file input or drop. * "section" is an Element which is the section to place the sprites in. Defaults to * the nearestSection() */ var insertSprites = function( files, section ) { var $parent = $( section || nearestSection() ).find( '.spritedoc-boxes' ); $.each( files, function() { if ( !this.type.match( /^image\// ) ) { return; } var $newBox = $boxTemplate.clone(); $newBox.find( 'code' ).text( /\.[^\.]+$/, '' ).replace( /_/g, ' ' ) ); scaleImage( this ).done( function( $img ) { $img.addClass( 'spriteedit-new-image' ); $newBox.find( '.spritedoc-image' ).html( $img ); } ); var name = $newBox.find( '.spritedoc-name' ).text(); $newBox.attr( 'data-sort-key', name ); var index = getAlphaIndex( name, undefined, $parent ); change( 'insert', { $elem: $newBox, index: index - 1, $parent: $parent, } ); } ); }; /** * Constructs (or retrieves) a canvas for a particular purpose * * Either for image scaling, or spritesheet creation. * * Returns an object containing the canvas, its context, * and some convenience functions for clearing the canvas * and for updating its dimensions. * * "type" is the canvas type ("image" or "sheet"). */ var getCanvas = ( function() { var canvases = {}; return function( type ) { if ( canvases[type] ) { return canvases[type]; } var $canvas = $( '<canvas>' ).attr( { width: settings[type + 'Width'], height: settings[type + 'Height'], } ).appendTo( $doc ); var canvas = $canvas[0]; var ctx = canvas.getContext( '2d' ); var funcs = { canvas: canvas, ctx: ctx, resize: function() { $canvas.attr( { width: settings[type + 'Width'], height: settings[type + 'Height'], } ); }, clear: function() { ctx.clearRect( 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height ); }, }; canvases[type] = funcs; return funcs; }; }() ); /** * Scales an image down to the correct size (if necessary) * * Performs only a basic low quality scaling, ignoring the original image's * aspect ratio. * Also performs a "scale" if the image isn't a png, in essence converting it to one. * * Returns a promise which will contain a jQuery object containing a new image element * the url of which is either a object URL or data URL of the scaled image. */ var scaleImage = ( function() { var scaler; return function( file ) { var deferred = $.Deferred(); var img = new Image(); img.onload = function() { if ( file.type === 'image/png' && img.width === settings.imageWidth && img.height === settings.imageHeight ) { // No scaling necessary deferred.resolve( $( img ) ); return; } if ( !scaler ) { scaler = getCanvas( 'image' ); } scaler.clear(); scaler.ctx.drawImage( img, 0, 0, settings.imageWidth, settings.imageHeight ); URL.revokeObjectURL( img.src ); var scaledImg = new Image(); scaledImg.onload = function() { deferred.resolve( $( scaledImg ) ); }; scaler.canvas.toBlob( function( blob ) { scaledImg.src = URL.createObjectURL( blob ); } ); }; img.src = URL.createObjectURL( file ); loadingImages.push( deferred.promise() ); return deferred.promise(); }; }() ); /** * Creates panels to display in a dialog window * * If this is the first panel, the dialog window is created. * Panels are stored in the "panels" object, which should be checked for * panel id prior to calling this function to create a new panel, * so duplicates are not made. * E.g: `var myPanel = panels.myPanel || panel( 'myPanel', ... );` * * "id" is the unique ID that identifies this panel * "config" is an object of config options for this panel * "title" is the string to use for the panel's title * "content" is HTML to use for the panel's text area, * it can be in any format $().append takes (jQuery, nodes, HTML strings, array) * The panel will reset to this HTML whenever the dialog box is closed * (if "cached" isn't specified) * "actions" is an object to specify which buttons to place. * It has a "left" and "right" key to specify which side of the * dialog to place the buttons which accept an array of objects * which are passed to `makeButton` * "onShow" is a callback which is called whenever the dialog is * opened, or this panel is shown * "onHide" is a callback which is called whenever the dialog is * closed, or this panel is hidden * "onClose" is a callback which is called whenever the dialog is * closed, regardless of which panel is currently shown * "cached" is a boolean specifying if the panel's HTML should be * retained after the dialog is closed, or should be reset to the * value of "config.content" * * Returns the panel object for the new panel (or the currently displayed * panel if called with no arguments). * The panel object contains jQuery objects of the panel's parts, some of * the config options, and methods for controlling the panel/dialog window. * * shows the panel, opening the dialog if it isn't already * It accepts a callback function which is called once the dialog/panel * opening animation is finished * panel.hide closes the dialog * It accepts a callback function which is called once the dialog closing * animation is finished * panel.clean deletes the panel's text and resets it to the initial * value specified in "config.content" */ var panel = function( id, config ) { var $overlay; var $dialog = $( '.spriteedit-dialog' ); if ( !id ) { return panels[$ 'active-panel' )]; } var thisPanel = panels[id]; if ( thisPanel ) { return thisPanel; } if ( !$dialog.length ) { $overlay = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'spriteedit-dialog-overlay' ).css( 'display', 'none' ); $dialog = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'spriteedit-dialog' ).append( makeButton( '', { id: 'spriteedit-dialog-close', icon: 'close', title: i18n.panelCloseTip, action: function() { var closingPanel = panel(); closingPanel.hide(); if ( closingPanel.onClose ) { closingPanel ); } }, } ) ).appendTo( $overlay ); } if ( config.content && !Array.isArray( config.content ) ) { config.content = [ config.content ]; } var $panel = $( '<div>' ) .prop( 'id', 'spriteedit-dialog-' + id ) .addClass( 'spriteedit-dialog-panel' ); var $title = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'spriteedit-dialog-title' ).text( config.title ).appendTo( $panel ); var $text = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'spriteedit-dialog-text' ).appendTo( $panel ); if ( config.content ) { $text.append( config.content ); // Keep content as the initial HTML for resetting config.content = $text.html(); } var $actions; if ( config.actions ) { $actions = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'spriteedit-dialog-actions' ).appendTo( $panel ); var $leftActions = $( '<span>' ).appendTo( $actions ); var $rightActions = $( '<span>' ).css( 'float', 'right' ).appendTo( $actions ); var addButtons = function( buttons, right ) { if ( !buttons ) { return; } var $area = right ? $rightActions : $leftActions; if ( !Array.isArray( buttons ) ) { buttons = [ buttons ]; } $.each( buttons, function() { $area.append( makeButton( this.text, this.config ) ); } ); }; addButtons( config.actions.left ); addButtons( config.actions.right, true ); } $dialog.append( $panel ); if ( $overlay ) { $body.append( $overlay ); } else { $overlay = $dialog.parent(); } $; if ( $overlay.css( 'opacity' ) === '0' ) { $overlay.hide(); } $panel.hide(); thisPanel = panels[id] = { $panel: $panel, $title: $title, $text: $text, $actions: $actions, show: function( callback ) { $dialog.css( { transform: 'none', transition: 'none' } ); var prevPanel; if ( $overlay.css( 'opacity' ) === '1' ) { prevPanel = panel(); // Remember to cleanup previous panel when the dialog is closed if ( prevPanel && !prevPanel.cached ) { prevPanel.cleanup = true; } if ( prevPanel.onHide ) { prevPanel ); } } var oldRect; if ( prevPanel ) { oldRect = $dialog[0].getBoundingClientRect(); prevPanel.$panel.hide(); } $overlay.css( 'display', '' ); $panel.css( 'display', '' ); if ( prevPanel ) { var newRect = $dialog[0].getBoundingClientRect(); $dialog.css( 'transform', 'scale(1)' ).redraw().css( 'transition', '' ); if ( oldRect.width === newRect.width && oldRect.height === newRect.height ) { // No transition to be made $dialog.trigger( 'transitionend' ); } else { $panel.css( 'display', 'none' ); $dialog.css( { width: oldRect.width, height: oldRect.height, } ).redraw().css( { width: newRect.width, height: newRect.height, } ).transitionEnd( function() { panelShown = true; $dialog.css( { width: '', height: '' } ); $panel.css( 'display', '' ); } ); // Make sure the panel gets displayed var panelShown; setTimeout( function() { if ( panelShown ) { return; } $dialog.trigger( 'transitionend' ); }, 1000 ); } } else { $dialog.css( 'transform', '' ).redraw().css( 'transition', '' ); $overlay.css( 'opacity', 1 ); $dialog .addClass( 'spriteedit-elastic' ) .css( 'transform', 'scale(1)' ) .transitionEnd( function() { $dialog.removeClass( 'spriteedit-elastic' ); } ); } $ 'active-panel', id ); if ( config.onShow ) { thisPanel ); } if ( callback ) { thisPanel ); } return this; }, hide: function( callback ) { if ( !$ ':visible' ) ) { return this; } if ( config.onHide ) { thisPanel ); } $dialog.css( 'transform', 'scale(0)' ); $overlay.css( 'opacity', 0 ).transitionEnd( function() { // Reset scrollbar BEFORE hiding $text.scrollLeft( 0 ); $text.scrollTop( 0 ); $overlay.css( 'display', 'none' ); thisPanel.$panel.css( 'display', 'none' ); if ( !config.cached ) { thisPanel.cleanup = true; } $.each( panels, function() { if ( this.cleanup ) { this.clean(); } } ); if ( callback ) { thisPanel ); } } ); return this; }, clean: function() { $text.empty(); if ( config.content ) { $text.append( config.content ); } thisPanel.cleanup = false; }, onShow: config.onShow, onHide: config.onHide, onClose: config.onClose, cached: config.cached, }; return thisPanel; }; /** * Creates a simple tooltip * * Used to create a small tooltip anchored to an element. * Only a single tooltip can exist at a time (opening a new one will close the old) * and clicking anywhere but the tooltip itself will close it. * * In the main function: * "$elem" is a jQuery object which the tooltip should be anchored to. * "content" is the content to go in the tooltip, and can be in whatever format can * go into jQuery().append (jQuery objects, elements, HTML strings, etc.). * "config" contains key-value pairs of the following configuration options: * "horizontal" is a boolean determining if the tooltip should open horizontally or vertically * relative to its anchor. * "callback" is a function called once the tooltip finishes its opening animation. * "class" is a classname to add to the tooltip * * In the tooltip.hide function: * "callback" is a function called once the tooltip finishes its closing animation. */ var tooltip = ( function() { var $tooltip = $(), $anchor = $(); $ function( e ) { if ( e.which === 1 && $tooltip.length && !$tooltip.has( ).length && $tooltip.css( 'opacity' ) === '1' ) { func.hide(); } } ); var func = function( $elem, content, config ) { config = config || {}; if ( $tooltip.length ) { if ( $ $anchor ) ) { func.hide(); return; } func.hide(); } $anchor = $elem; $tooltip = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'spriteedit-tooltip' ).append( $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'spriteedit-tooltip-text' ).append( content ), $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'spriteedit-tooltip-arrow' ) ).appendTo( document.body ); if ( config.class ) { $tooltip.addClass( config.class ); } var anchorPos = $anchor.offset(); var bodyPos = $body.offset(); if ( config.horizontal ) { $tooltip.addClass( 'spriteedit-tooltip-horizontal' ).css( { top: - + $anchor.outerHeight() / 2, left: anchorPos.left - bodyPos.left - $tooltip.outerWidth(), } ); } else { $tooltip.css( { top: - - $tooltip.outerHeight(), left: anchorPos.left - bodyPos.left + $anchor.outerWidth() / 2, } ); } $tooltip.addClass( 'spriteedit-elastic' ).css( { opacity: 1, transform: 'scale(1)', } ).transitionEnd( function() { $( this ).removeClass( 'spriteedit-elastic' ); if ( config.callback ) { this ); } } ); }; func.hide = function( callback ) { if ( !$tooltip.length ) { return; } $ 'transitionend.spriteEdit' ).css( { opacity: 0, transform: 'scale(0)', } ).transitionEnd( function() { $( this ).remove(); if ( callback ) { this ); } } ); $tooltip = $anchor = $(); }; return func; }() ); /** * Makes a set of elements sortable by dragging them * * The elements can either be dragged around to be sorted within or between * each set manually or can be sorted in each set automatically, with dragging * only being used to move them between sets. * * The "options" object contains: * "selectors" is a string containing the selector of the set of elements to enable sorting, * or an object containing containing additional selections to define the sortable element's parent * and the sortable elements container (which elements can be sorted between). * "handle" is a string containing the selector to find the element which the handle is a child of, * in relation to the sortable element. Set if the handle is not a direct child of the sortable * element. * "vertical" is a boolean determining if the elements should only be able to be moved vertically. * "autoSort" is a boolean determining if the elements should be sorted within their container * automatically, only allowing elements to be manually moved between containers. * "sortStart" is a callback function called after the placeholder and ghost elements are created, * but prior to sorting actually beginning. "this" is set to the ghost element, and the first * argument is set to the placeholder element if there is one. * "sortEnd" is a callback function called after the element has been sorted, but prior to the * placeholder and ghost elements being destroyed. Variables are set the same as "sortStart". */ var makeSortable = function( options ) { var selectors = options.selectors; var handle = options.handle || ''; var vertical = options.vertical; var autoSort = options.autoSort; var selector = selectors; var $ghost = $(), $placeholder = $(), $hover = $(), $hoverParent = $(); if ( typeof selectors !== 'string' ) { selector = selectors.parent + ' > ' + selectors.elem; } if ( pointerEventsSupported ) { if ( autoSort ) { $doc.on( 'mouseenter.spriteEdit', selectors.container, function() { if ( $ghost.length ) { $hoverParent = $( this ).css( 'outline', '1px dashed #000' ); } } ).on( 'mouseleave.spriteEdit', selectors.container, function() { if ( $ghost.length ) { $hoverParent.css( 'outline', '' ); $hoverParent = $(); } } ); } else { $doc.on( 'mouseenter.spriteEdit', selector, function() { if ( $ghost.length && !$( this ).is( $placeholder ) ) { $hover = $( this ); } } ).on( 'mouseleave.spriteEdit', selector, function() { if ( $ghost.length ) { $hover = $(); } } ); } } $doc.on( 'mousedown.spriteEdit', selector + ' ' + handle + ' > .spriteedit-handle', function( e ) { if ( e.which !== 1 ) { return; } if ( handle ) { $ghost = $( this ).closest( selector ); } else { $ghost = $( this ).parent(); } if ( $ghost.find( '.spriteedit-new' ).length && $ghost.text().trim() === '' ) { $ghost = $(); return; } tooltip.hide(); // Keep the documentation from getting smaller to allow for overscroll $doc.css( 'min-height', $doc[0].getBoundingClientRect().height ); var ghostElem = $ghost[0]; if ( !autoSort ) { // We don't want to clone all the content, just the parent element $placeholder = $( '<' + ghostElem.nodeName + '>' ) .addClass( ghostElem.className + ' spriteedit-placeholder' ) .insertAfter( $ghost ); } // Calculate cursor offset percentage to apply // after the ghost is resized to its correct size var ghostRect = ghostElem.getBoundingClientRect(); var cursorOffset = { top: ( - e.clientY ) / ghostRect.height, left: ( ghostRect.left - e.clientX ) / ghostRect.width, }; $ghost.addClass( 'spriteedit-ghost' ).css( { top: e.clientY, left: e.clientX, } ); // Apply offsets var newGhostRect = ghostElem.getBoundingClientRect(); $ghost.css( { marginTop: newGhostRect.height *, marginLeft: newGhostRect.width * cursorOffset.left, } ); if ( options.sortStart ) { ghostElem, $placeholder[0] ); } // Must be set after callback for collapsing. if ( !autoSort ) { $placeholder.css( 'min-height', ghostElem.getBoundingClientRect().height ); } $ghost.parent().mouseenter(); sorting = true; $root.addClass( 'spriteedit-sorting spriteedit-hidecontrols' ); requestAnimationFrame( mouseMove ); e.preventDefault(); } ); var mouseMove = function() { if ( !$ghost.length ) { return; } requestAnimationFrame( mouseMove ); if ( !mouse.moved ) { return; } mouse.moved = false; var pos = { top: mouse.y }; if ( !vertical ) { pos.left = mouse.x; } $ghost.css( pos ); if ( !pointerEventsSupported ) { // Emulate pointer-events:none $ghost.css( 'visibility', 'hidden' ); var $nearest = $( document.elementFromPoint( mouse.x, mouse.y ) ); if ( autoSort ) { $hoverParent.css( 'outline', '' ); $hoverParent = $nearest.closest( selectors.container ); $hoverParent.css( 'outline', '1px dashed #000' ); } else { $hover = $nearest.closest( selector ); } $ghost.css( 'visibility', '' ); } if ( $hover.length ) { var side = 'Before'; if ( $hover.index() > $placeholder.index() ) { side = 'After'; } $placeholder['insert' + side]( $hover ); $hover = $(); } }; $( document ).on( 'mouseup.spriteEdit', function( e ) { if ( e.which !== 1 || !$ghost.length ) { return; } var index = -1; if ( autoSort ) { if ( $hoverParent.length && !$ghost.closest( selectors.container ).is( $hoverParent ) ) { var text = $ghost.attr( 'data-sort-key' ) || $ghost.text(); index = getAlphaIndex( text, undefined, $hoverParent.find( selectors.parent ) ); } } else { index = $placeholder.index(); } if ( index > -1 && ( index - 1 !== $ghost.index() || autoSort && $hoverParent.length && !$ghost.closest( selectors.container ).is( $hoverParent ) ) ) { // If the last name is moved, delete its box if ( $ghost.hasClass( 'spritedoc-name' ) && !$ghost.siblings().length ) { var $box = $ghost.closest( selectors.container ); change( 'delete', { $elem: $box, index: $box.index() - 1, $parent: $box.parent(), }, true ); } change( 'insert', { $elem: $ghost, oldIndex: $ghost.index() - 1, $oldParent: $ghost.parent(), index: index - 1, $parent: $hoverParent.length && $hoverParent.find( selectors.parent ) || $placeholder.parent(), } ); } $ghost.removeAttr( 'style' ).removeClass( 'spriteedit-ghost' ); $hoverParent.css( 'outline', '' ); $doc.css( 'min-height', '' ); if ( options.sortEnd ) { $ghost[0], $placeholder[0] ); } $placeholder.remove(); $ghost = $placeholder = $hover = $hoverParent = $(); sorting = false; $root.removeClass( 'spriteedit-sorting spriteedit-hidecontrols' ); } ); }; /** * Allows repeatable changes to be performed, which can be undone and redone * * The main function performs a change of a particular type. * "action" is the type of change this is: * * "edit" is changes to text (anything contentEditable) * * "insert" is any element being inserted, either fresh from the aether or taken * from somewhere else in the document. * * "delete" is any element being removed from the document. * * "replace image" is when an image is replaced with a new image. * * "reset image" is when an image is reset to the original image in the sprite sheet. * "content" is an object containing anything necessary to describe the change, including * details to revert the change. * "queueChange" is a boolean determining if the change should be queued rather than committed * to history immediately. This allows multiple changes to be grouped as one history event. Note * that making a change which isn't queued will commit any currently queued changes to history * along with itself. * "oldChange" is a boolean determining if this change shouldn't be queued. Intended mainly for * undoing/redoing. * * The change.commit function allows queued changes to be committed to history. * The change.discard function allows queued changes to be discarded, although the changes * are not reverted. */ var change = ( function() { var queue = []; var func = function( action, content, queueChange, oldChange ) { var isBox; var $box; var $code; switch ( action ) { case 'edit': if ( oldChange ) { content.$elem.text( content.text ); } if ( content.$elem.parent().hasClass( 'spritedoc-name' ) ) { updateName( content.oldText, content.text, content.$elem ); } names.invalidate( true ); break; case 'insert': var moved = content.$elem.parent().length; isBox = content.$elem.hasClass( 'spritedoc-box' ); var $oldBox = !isBox && content.$elem.closest( '.spritedoc-box' ); if ( content.index === -1 ) { content.$parent.prepend( content.$elem ); } else { content.$parent.children().eq( content.index ).after( content.$elem ); } if ( !moved && ( isBox || content.$elem.hasClass( 'spritedoc-section' ) ) ) { content.$elem.find( '.spritedoc-name' ).find( 'code' ).each( function() { updateName( undefined, $( this ).text(), $( this ) ); } ); if ( $doc.find( '.spriteedit-new' ).length ) { sheet.invalidate( true ); } } else if ( content.$elem.hasClass( 'spritedoc-name' ) ) { if ( moved ) { $box = content.$elem.closest( '.spritedoc-box' ); if ( !$ $oldBox ) ) { updateBoxSorting( $oldBox ); } updateBoxSorting( $box ); } else { $code = content.$elem.find( 'code' ); updateName( undefined, $code.text(), $code ); } } requestAnimationFrame( function() { scrollIntoView( content.$elem ); } ); names.invalidate( true ); break; case 'delete': isBox = content.$elem.hasClass( 'spritedoc-box' ); $box = !isBox && content.$elem.closest( '.spritedoc-box' ); content.$elem.detach(); if ( isBox || content.$elem.hasClass( 'spritedoc-section' ) ) { content.$elem.find( '.spritedoc-name' ).find( 'code' ).each( function() { updateName( $( this ).text(), undefined, $( this ) ); } ); sheet.invalidate( !!$doc.find( '.spriteedit-new' ).length ); } else if ( content.$elem.hasClass( 'spritedoc-name' ) ) { $code = content.$elem.find( 'code' ); updateName( $code.text(), undefined, $code ); updateBoxSorting( $box ); } names.invalidate( true ); break; case 'replace image': $box = content.$parent.parent(); if ( content.$oldImg && content.$oldImg.length ) { content.$oldImg.detach(); } else { $box.addClass( 'spriteedit-new' ); content.$parent.find( '.sprite' ).addClass( 'spriteedit-replaced-image' ); } content.$parent.append( content.$elem ); sheet.invalidate( true ); break; case 'reset image': content.$elem.detach(); content.$parent.find( '.sprite' ).removeClass( 'spriteedit-replaced-image' ); content.$parent.parent().removeClass( 'spriteedit-new' ); if ( !$doc.find( '.spriteedit-new' ).length ) { sheet.invalidate( false ); } break; case 'toggle deprecation': content.$elem.toggleClass( 'spritedoc-deprecated' ); names.invalidate( true ); break; default: console.error( 'Invalid action: `%s`', action ); break; } var hist = { action: action, content: content }; if ( !oldChange ) { queue.push( hist ); if ( !queueChange ) { func.commit(); } } }; func.commit = function() { addHistory( queue ); queue = []; }; func.discard = function() { queue = []; if ( !$doc.find( '.spriteedit-new' ).length ) { sheet.invalidate( false ); } if ( !changes.length ) { names.invalidate( false ); $.each( [ '#spriteedit-save', '#spriteedit-summary', '#spriteedit-review-button', ], function() { if ( $( this ).length ) { $( this ).data( 'ooui-object' ).setDisabled( true ); } } ); } }; return func; }() ); /** * Adds a change to history * * Handles enabling the save and undo button, disabling the redo button, * releasing undone object URLs, and deleting the undone changes. */ var addHistory = function( actions ) { changes.push( actions ); if ( undoneChanges.length ) { // Release now unusable image URLs $.each( undoneChanges, function() { if ( this.action === 'replace image' ) { URL.revokeObjectURL( this.content.$elem.attr( 'src' ) ); } } ); undoneChanges = []; $( '#spriteedit-redo' ).data( 'ooui-object' ).setDisabled( true ); } $.each( [ '#spriteedit-undo', '#spriteedit-save', '#spriteedit-summary', '#spriteedit-review-button', ], function() { if ( $( this ).length ) { $( this ).data( 'ooui-object' ).setDisabled( false ); } } ); }; /** * Reverts a change * * Takes a previously stored history entry and performs the necessary change * to revert it. */ var revert = function( hist ) { // Invert the history entry's changes to revert it var i = hist.length, histChange, content; while ( i-- ) { histChange = hist[i]; content = histChange.content; switch( histChange.action ) { case 'edit': change( 'edit', { $elem: content.$elem, text: content.oldText, oldText: content.text, }, false, true ); break; case 'insert': if ( content.$oldParent ) { change( 'insert', { $elem: content.$elem, index: content.oldIndex, $parent: content.$oldParent, }, false, true ); } else { change( 'delete', { $elem: content.$elem, $parent: content.$parent, }, false, true ); } break; case 'delete': change( 'insert', { $elem: content.$elem, index: content.index, $parent: content.$parent, }, false, true ); break; case 'replace image': if ( content.$oldImg.length ) { change( 'replace image', { $elem: content.$oldImg, $parent: content.$parent, $oldImg: content.$elem, }, false, true ); } else { change( 'reset image', content, false, true ); } break; case 'reset image': change( 'replace image', content, false, true ); break; case 'toggle deprecation': change( 'toggle deprecation', content, false, true ); break; } } if ( !$doc.find( '.spriteedit-new' ).length ) { sheet.invalidate( false ); } if ( !changes.length ) { names.invalidate( false ); $.each( [ '#spriteedit-undo', '#spriteedit-save', '#spriteedit-summary', '#spriteedit-review-button', ], function() { if ( $( this ).length ) { $( this ).data( 'ooui-object' ).setDisabled( true ); } } ); } }; /** * Updates the list of names for duplicate detection * * Also sorts the names and box if necessary. */ var updateName = function( oldText, newText, $elem ) { if ( oldText ) { var oldNames = usedNames[oldText]; if ( oldNames.length === 1 ) { delete usedNames[oldText]; } else { $.each( oldNames, function( i ) { if ( $ this ) ) { oldNames.splice( i, 1 ); return false; } } ); if ( oldNames.length === 1 ) { oldNames[0].removeClass( 'spriteedit-dupe' ); } } } var $item = $elem.parent(); var oldIndex = $item.index(); if ( newText ) { var newNames = usedNames[newText]; if ( !newNames ) { newNames = usedNames[newText] = []; $elem.removeClass( 'spriteedit-dupe' ); } else { if ( newNames.length === 1 ) { newNames[0].addClass( 'spriteedit-dupe' ); } $elem.addClass( 'spriteedit-dupe' ); } newNames.push( $elem ); var $parent = $item.parent(); var index = getAlphaIndex( newText, $item ); if ( index !== oldIndex ) { change( 'insert', { $elem: $item, oldIndex: oldIndex - 1, $oldParent: $parent, index: index - 1, $parent: $parent, }, false, true ); } else if ( index === 0 ) { updateBoxSorting( $item.closest( '.spritedoc-box' ) ); } } }; /** * Updates the box's sort key and sorts it. */ var updateBoxSorting = function( $box ) { var name = $box.find( '.spritedoc-name' ).first().text(); var oldName = $box.attr( 'data-sort-key' ); if ( name === oldName ) { return; } $box.attr( 'data-sort-key', name ); var $parent = $box.parent(); var oldIndex = $box.index(); var index = getAlphaIndex( name, $box ); if ( index !== oldIndex ) { change( 'insert', { $elem: $box, oldIndex: oldIndex - 1, $oldParent: $parent, index: index - 1, $parent: $parent, }, false, true ); } }; /** * Picks the section which is probably the section the user wants to put things * * Mainly based on the section closest to the top of the screen, * but prefers elements which are not at all going off the screen * (accounting for the space taken up by the toolbar). * * Returns the section element */ var nearestSection = function() { var offscreen, prox, elem; $doc.find( '.spritedoc-section' ).each( function() { var curPos = this.getBoundingClientRect().top - 35; var curProx = Math.abs( curPos ); if ( prox && curProx > prox ) { // Prefer on-screen section, even if it is further from the top if ( offscreen ) { elem = this; } return false; } offscreen = curPos < 0; prox = curProx; elem = this; } ); return elem; }; /** * Destroys the editor * * Removes any controls, and unbinds all events in the spriteEdit namespace, and releases * object URLs. * * "restore" is a boolean determining if the documentation should be restored to how it was * prior to opening the editor. * "leaveUrl" is a boolean determining if a the page URL shouldn't be updated to remove the * spriteedit action. Used for when the editor is destroyed due to history navigation. */ var destroy = function( restore, leaveUrl ) { document.title = originalTitle; // Disable close confirm dialog preventClose && preventClose.release(); $win.add( document ).off( '.spriteEdit' ); if ( !leaveUrl ) { history.pushState( {}, '', mw.util.getUrl() ); } var enabled = $root.hasClass( 'spriteedit-enabled' ); $root.removeClass( 'spriteedit-loaded spriteedit-enabled spriteedit-imageeditingenabled spriteedit-hidecontrols' ); var $viewTab = $( '#ca-view' ); $viewTab.add( '#ca-spriteedit' ).toggleClass( 'selected' ); $doc.add( $viewTab.find( 'a' ) ).off( '.spriteEdit' ); if ( restore ) { overwriteSpritesheet.disable(); } // No further cleanup necessary if ( !enabled ) { return; } $( '.mw-editsection' ).add( '.mw-editsection-like' ).css( 'display', '' ); // Release old image URL references if ( sheet.modified ) { $.each( changes, function() { if ( this.action === 'replace image' ) { URL.revokeObjectURL( this.content.$oldImg.attr( 'src' ) ); } } ); } if ( restore ) { // Release current image URL references if ( sheet.modified ) { $doc.find( '.spritedoc-image' ).find( 'img' ).each( function() { URL.revokeObjectURL( this.src ); } ); } $doc.replaceWith( oldHtml ); return; } $doc.find( '.mw-headline' ).add( $doc.find( '.spritedoc-name' ).find( 'code' ) ) .removeAttr( 'contenteditable' ); $.each( [ '.spriteedit-toolbar-container', '.spriteedit-handle', '.spriteedit-add-name', '.spriteedit-tooltip', '.spriteedit-dialog-overlay', ], function() { $( this ).remove(); } ); $( '.spriteedit-new' ).removeClass( 'spriteedit-new' ).each( function() { var newPos = $( this ).data( 'new-pos' ); if ( newPos !== undefined ) { $( this ).data( 'pos', newPos ).removeData( 'new-pos' ); } } ); $doc.find( '.spriteedit-replaced-image' ).removeClass( 'spriteedit-replaced-image' ); $doc.find( '.spriteedit-replacing-image' ).remove(); }; }; /** Utility functions **/ /** * Allows calling a function when a main transition ends * * This only listens to transitions that happen on the element this is * called on, ignoring transitions bubbling from its children. * Additionally, if the browser doesn't support transitions, the callback * will be called immediately. * * The callback is passed along the "this" and "event" object from the event. */ $.fn.transitionEnd = function( callback ) { if ( supports( 'transition' ) ) { this.on( 'transitionend.spriteEdit', function( e ) { var $elem = $( this ); if ( !$ ) ) { return; } this, e ); $ 'transitionend.spriteEdit' ); } ); } else { this.each( function() { this ); } ); } return this; }; /** * Forces the browser to redraw an element */ $.fn.redraw = function() { this.each( function() { this.offsetWidth; } ); return this; }; /** * Returns the index to move an element to to sort it alphabetically, ignoring case * * "text" is the string to sort by. * "$elem" is the jQuery object which is to be sorted * "$parent" is the jQuery object which is the parent of the elements which "text" will be sorted by. * * Use "$elem" when sorting an element by its siblings. * Use "$parent" when sorting an element in a different container. */ var getAlphaIndex = function( text, $elem, $parent ) { var index; var $items = $parent ? $parent.children() : $elem.siblings(); $items.each( function() { var $this = $( this ); var compare = $this.attr( 'data-sort-key' ) || $this.text(); if ( text.toLowerCase() < compare.toLowerCase() ) { index = $this.index(); return false; } } ); if ( index === undefined ) { if ( $items.length ) { index = $items.length; if ( !$parent ) { index++; } } else { index = 0; } } // Account for trying to sort the element after itself if ( !$parent && index - 1 === $elem.index() ) { index--; } return index; }; /** * Attempts to scroll an element into view * * Takes into account the portion of window obscured by the toolbar. * Flashes the element's background yellow for a moment to bring it to attention. * * "$elem" is the jQuery object to scroll to. * "instant" is a boolean determining if the scrolling should be instant, instead of smooth * (if the browser supports smooth scrolling in the first place, that is). */ var scrollIntoView = function( $elem, instant ) { var elemRect = $elem[0].getBoundingClientRect(); var toolbarHeight = $( '.spriteedit-toolbar' )[0].getBoundingClientRect().height; var scrollPos; if ( - toolbarHeight < 10 ) { scrollPos = + $win.scrollTop() - toolbarHeight - 10; } else { var winHeight = $win.height() - 40; if ( elemRect.height > winHeight || elemRect.bottom < winHeight ) { return; } scrollPos = elemRect.bottom + $win.scrollTop() - winHeight; } if ( !instant ) { $root.addClass( 'spriteedit-smoothscroll' ); } scroll( 0, scrollPos ); $elem.css( 'background-color', 'yellow' ); setTimeout( function() { $elem.css( 'background-color', '' ); }, 1000 ); }; /** * Converts the extended ISO UTC timestamp returned by the API * into the MediaWiki format in the wiki's timezone * * YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ -> YYYYMMDDHHMMSS */ var fixTimestamp = function( timestamp ) { // Make UTC date var date = new Date( timestamp ); // Convert to wiki's timezone date.setTime( date.getTime() + fixTimestamp.offset * 60 * 1000 ); // Return MW timestamp format return date.toISOString().replace( /[\-T:]|\.\d+Z/g, '' ); }; // This will be set when the editor is created and a siteinfo request is made fixTimestamp.offset = 0; /** * Add various types of in-page controls to a set of elements * * "$elems" is a jQuery object containing the elements to add controls to. * "type" is the type of controls to add. */ var addControls = function( $elems, type ) { switch ( type ) { case 'heading': $elems.prepend( $( '<span>' ).addClass( 'spriteedit-handle' ) ) .find( '.mw-headline' ).attr( 'contenteditable', true ); break; case 'box': $elems.each( function(){ var addNameButton = new OO.ui.ButtonInputWidget( { classes: [ 'spriteedit-add-name' ], framed: false, icon: 'add', title: i18n.controlNewName, } ); addNameButton.$ 'ooui-object', addNameButton ); $( this ).prepend( $( '<span>' ).addClass( 'spriteedit-handle' ), addNameButton.$element ); } ); addControls( $elems.find( '.spritedoc-name' ), 'name' ); break; case 'name': $elems.find( 'code' ).attr( 'contenteditable', true ); break; } }; /** * Create an OOUI button widget * * "text" is the string displayed on the button. * "config" is an object defining various properties of the button: * * "type" is a string or array of strings defining the OOUI flags * this button should use (e.g.: progressive, destructive, primary). * * "id" is the id attribute applied to the button. * * "icon" is the OOUI icon to use * * "action" is a function called when the button is clicked. */ var makeButton = function( text, config ) { var button = new OO.ui.ButtonInputWidget( { flags: config.type, id:, label: text, icon: config.icon, title: config.title, } ); if ( config.action ) { button.$button.on( 'click.spriteEdit', function( e ) { $( this ).focus().blur(); this, e ); } ); } button.$ 'ooui-object', button ); return button.$element; }; /** * Check if a CSS property or value is supported by the browser */ var supports = function( prop, val ) { if ( !val ) { return prop in $root[0].style; } if ( window.CSS && CSS.supports ) { return CSS.supports( prop, val ); } if ( window.supportsCSS ) { return supportsCSS( prop, val ); } var camelProp = prop.replace( /-([a-z]|[0-9])/ig, function( _, chr ) { return chr.toUpperCase(); } ); var elStyle = document.createElement( 'i' ).style; elStyle.cssText = prop + ':' + val; return elStyle[camelProp] !== ''; }; /** * Retries a request once if it fails * * Always returns an abortable promise, even if the request itself isn't abortable. * * "request" is a function which will run the request, * and should return the request's promise. * "delay" is the amount of milliseconds to wait before retrying. * "retries" is the amount of times to retry */ var retryableRequest = function( request, delay, retries ) { var deferred = $.Deferred(); var curRequest; var timeout; retries = retries || 1; var attemptRequest = function( attempt ) { ( curRequest = request() ).then( deferred.resolve, function( code, data ) { if ( attempt <= retries ) { timeout = setTimeout( function() { attemptRequest( ++attempt ); }, delay || 1000 ); } else { deferred.reject( code, data ); } } ); }; attemptRequest( 1 ); return deferred.promise( { abort: function() { if ( curRequest.abort ) { curRequest.abort(); } clearTimeout( timeout ); } } ); }; /** * Handles generic API errors * * Just uselessly displays whatever error the API returns. * Hopefully the user can retry whatever they were doing. * * "code" and "data" are the standard variables returned by a mw.Api promise rejection. */ var handleError = function( code, data ) { var errorTitle = i18n.errorGeneric; var errorText; if ( code === 'http' ) { // Not an error if ( data.textStatus === 'abort' ) { return; } if ( data.textStatus === 'error' || data.textStatus === 'timeout' ) { errorTitle = i18n.errorConnection; errorText = i18n.errorConnectionText; } else { errorTitle = i18n.errorHttp; errorText = data.textStatus; } } else { errorTitle = i18n.errorApi; errorText =; } mw.notify( errorText, { title: errorTitle, type: 'error', autoHide: false } ); }; /** * Looks for the specified change tag * * Returns a promise which resolves to a boolean stating if the tag is active or not, * or null if the tag doesn't exist. * * "tag" is the tag to search for. * "options" is an object of additional values to add to the request. */ var findChangeTag = function( tag, options ) { return retryableRequest( function() { return new mw.Api().get( $.extend( { action: 'query', list: 'tags', tgprop: 'active', tglimit: 'max', formatversion: 2, }, options || {} ) ); } ).then( function( data ) { var foundActive = null; $.each( data.query.tags, function() { if ( === tag ) { foundActive =; return false; } } ); // XXX: MW JS requires ES5 support, but JavascriptMinifier doesn't // support ES5, so these have to remain strings. See T96901 if ( foundActive === null && data['continue'] ) { return findChangeTag( tag, data['continue'] ); } return foundActive; } ); }; /** * Replaces the spritesheet with the provided URL * * It's assumed the URL will be an object URL, which it handles revoking * if the spritesheet is replaced again or disabled. * * The current style element can be accessed from ``. */ var overwriteSpritesheet = function( url ) { overwriteSpritesheet.disable(); = mw.util.addCSS( '#spritedoc .sprite { background-image: url(' + url + ') !important }' ); = url; }; /** * Disables the current style so its styles don't apply * and revokes the object URL. */ overwriteSpritesheet.disable = function() { var inlineStyle =; if ( inlineStyle ) { inlineStyle.disabled = true; URL.revokeObjectURL( inlineStyle.url ); } }; var luaTable = {}; /** Recursively creates a pretty printed lua table from an object * * Supports only the value which `luaTable.createValue` supports, and * only numbers and strings as keys. * * Objects with less than 4 keys and with no sub-objects will be * on a single line, otherwise will be one line per value. */ luaTable.create = function( obj, indent ) { indent = indent || 1; var out = [ '{' ]; var isArray = Array.isArray( obj ); var size = isArray ? obj.length : Object.keys( obj ).length; var containsObject; $.each( obj, function( k, v ) { if ( typeof v === 'object' ) { containsObject = true; return false; } } ); var multiline = containsObject || size > 3; $.each( obj, function( k, v ) { if ( v === null || v === undefined ) { return; } var key = isArray ? '' : luaTable.createKey( k ) + ' = '; out.push( '\t'.repeat( multiline * indent ) + key + luaTable.createValue( v, indent + 1 ) + ',' ); } ); // No trailing commas for single line objects if ( !multiline ) { out.push( out.pop().slice( 0, -1 ) ); } out.push( '\t'.repeat( multiline * --indent ) + '}' ); return out.join( multiline ? '\n' : ' ' ); }; /** Allows creating a string that should be considered a lua function * * "funcStr" should be the exact value to be output as * in the table. * * Returns a function that will be converted back in to * the specified string when building the table. */ luaTable.func = function( funcStr ) { var f = function() { return funcStr; }; f.luaFunc = true; return f; }; /** * List of reserved keywords in lua */ luaTable.keywords = [ 'and', 'break', 'do', 'else', 'elseif', 'end', 'false', 'for', 'function', 'if', 'in', 'local', 'nil', 'not', 'or', 'repeat', 'return', 'then', 'true', 'until', 'while', ]; /** * Returns a lua key with quotes and brackets if necessary * * Only supports numbers and strings. */ luaTable.createKey = function( key ) { if ( key.match( /^-?\d+(\.\d+)?$/ ) ) { return '[' + Number( key ) + ']'; } if ( luaTable.keywords.indexOf( key ) < 0 && !key.match( /^[^a-z_]|\W/i ) ) { return key; } return '[' + luaTable.createString( key ) + ']'; }; /** * Create a lua table value * * Only supports the types in the switch, and only functions created with * `luaTable.func` are supported. * Will recursively resolve object values. */ luaTable.createValue = function( val, indent ) { switch ( typeof val ) { case 'number': case 'boolean': return val; case 'string': return luaTable.createString( val ); case 'object': return luaTable.create( val, indent ); case 'function': // If the function is supposed to be a lua function, // execute it to get the lua function string and // return it directly, otherwise invalid type if ( val.luaFunc ) { return val(); } default: throw new TypeError( 'Lua table: Invalid value type: ' + typeof val ); } }; /** * Quote a string for lua table * * Uses either ' or " as the delimiter (depending on which is least used in the string), * then escapes \ and the chosen delimiter within the string. */ luaTable.createString = function( str ) { if ( !str ) { return "''"; } var delim, delimRegex; var quotes = ( str.match( /"/g ) || '' ).length; var apostrophies = ( str.match( /'/g ) || '' ).length; if ( apostrophies > quotes ) { delim = '"'; delimRegex = /"/g; } else { delim = "'"; delimRegex = /'/g; } return delim + str.replace( /\\/g, '\\\\' ).replace( delimRegex, '\\' + delim ) + delim; }; /** Polyfills **/ if ( !HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.toBlob ) { Object.defineProperty( HTMLCanvasElement.prototype, 'toBlob', { value: function( callback, type, quality ) { var canvas = this; setTimeout( function() { var binStr = atob( canvas.toDataURL( type, quality ).split( ',' )[1] ); var len = binStr.length; var arr = new Uint8Array( len ); for ( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { arr[i] = binStr.charCodeAt( i ); } callback( new Blob( [arr], { type: type || 'image/png' } ) ); } ); }, } ); } // Finally start the editor create( 'initial' ); }() );
В данной статье используются материалы из статьи «Gadget-spriteEdit.js» с вики-сайта Minecraft Wiki, расположенного на Фэндоме, и они распространяются согласно лицензии Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0. Авторы статьи.